Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Samstag, April 30, 2005
A remarkable dilemma
Our attempt to have a discussion on ethical questions:
"hast du das alles so ungefähr verstanden? Es ist sehr schwer, hier die richtigen Gedanken zu vermitteln, auf Englisch ist das zu schwer für mich, denn da kann ich mich nicht so 100%ig ausdrücken, aber wenn ich zu kompliziertes Deutsch schreibe, verstehst du wahrscheinlich nichts mehr"
Hihi... das ist ja sehr stimmt... =p
Sonntag, April 24, 2005
Visiting Beta's flat
We (B + I + A) gathered outside the Body shop at CWB, and then took 973 [sic.] to TSW.
By the time we arrived at his flat, it's already 3pm. We watched the "door opening" show by his cat. I was wearing a pair of sandals without socks, and was rather frightened when his cat came close.
We played UPWORDS for 1+ hour, and then played PS1 & 2. Unfortunately the splitter was not working for an unknown reason, we could not play all 3 together. I must admit I'm not good at playing video games. =p
We had dinner in a Shanghainese restuarant. I only remember "X 經理,呢o的野留返俾o的妹妹仔做就得... " :x
Dienstag, April 19, 2005
Two interesting links
Paragilding at Beijing near the Ming tombs and a Chinese Army training place among the tanks:
Another interesting site from a French, which was sent to me by another French, who spent all the money in China leaving HK$1500 in the bank:
So we are having very different saving habits...
Freitag, April 15, 2005
The End of the Nightmare
Today I received another email with a piece of good news, that the laptop is repaired. The power-on problem was due to a broken cable between the HD and the motherboard. This is a real relief to my sustaining guilty feeling.
Okay, when I view the pictures at the link again, I don't really understand why I had the courage to make that decision of opening the laptop... =p
Dienstag, April 12, 2005
A piece of bad news
Received an ICQ message with an inquiry. Then, received an Email with a piece of bad news.
Afterwards, I received 3 more emails with some encouraging words. To be frank, whether those words are sincere or not. As I always think, this is Glück im Unglück.
I feel bad about this, but I just don't feel too bad. Let it be...
Sonntag, April 03, 2005
Anpanman train
Samstag, April 02, 2005
Hot Pot at M's flat
M + D + me gathered at Jorden at around 6 or 7 pm, and went to Welcome to buy the food. That Welcome store is particularly small, so we didn't have many selections. So L + K bought the "balls" at a fresh market at Mongkok.
When we all gathered at M's place, it's around 8:30pm. I guess we began cooking at 9pm and finished at 11 pm. D also cooked for us some "purple rice soup" as dessert. We have bought too much food than what we were able to consume...
Hot pot
Then we played Mahjoh until 2am, but we played quite slowly. Heard that there's something wrong with D. Actually I had something wrong too, but I'm recovered. =)

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