Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Kumiko and I were about to enter the mensa, and a german woman with two luggages came. At first, I thought maybe she asked us for directions or sth, but then she was kind of ordering us to help her to bring the luggages. She was in such a bad manner... I do not remember what exactly did she tell in german... but it means sth like.... "do you see I have two big luggages? help me!! you don't understand german?!" and then point to the luggage (meaning we should help her to carry)
I think I was very shocked, but Kumiko started helping her to carry one of the luggage, and I was still frozen bcos I did not want to help her (and that's why she asked if I understand german) But we really carried her luggage across the streets to the bus station... and on the way... she was still scolding us like, 'Be careful with my luggage, not to damage the wheels, only pull in straight, I have no money to buy a new one"
At the bus station, she told me, "ich brauche ein Zimmer". At that time I didn't really catch if she asked me about the room, bcos she wanted to stay here overnight or what. And I just repeated, "ein Zimmer?" and she thought I didn't understand what she said, and turned away. Then we saw Ying on the road... telling she has met this woman in Constance.
I just wonder why every time she asks asians/international students, there were so many people outside the mensa.