Went with Yu-chun, Lian-Shou, and Motohiru to Oktoberfest in Müchen with the schönes Wochenende Ticket. We didn't catch the train we intended to, and arrived Müchen late at 2pm. As I was told, when we come late, the beer tents will be closed because of being too crowd. We could not enter the tents, and we couldn't order any beer if we cannot find a table at the beer garten. It is so ironic that we are going to a beer festival and don't offer the chance to order any beer. :p

I suggested to ask someone sitting on the table to order for us. And some Swedish(?) tourists helped us, and Motohiru was able to find a place with the help of a German group. They also found me a place at the table, and I finally have a chance to order a 1-Ltr Radler. :p (I think if it were Pils, I would have been drunk). The Germans also told me I should only hold the beer mug with 1 hand.

It is to me pity that we were not able to entered the tents. Afterwards we walked around in the city center, listened to a street music performance, and went home. The trains were extremely full (with some a bit drunken people) and with many delays. Although we left Müchen at around 6.21pm, we arrived at Tübingen at 2.30am. It was a very terrible experience. :p