Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Montag, Dezember 31, 2007
Sonntag, Dezember 30, 2007
My last days in Taipei
Freitag, Dezember 28, 2007
The care sent by HR...
Samstag, Dezember 22, 2007
Jiji 集集
Today Aileen brought me to JiJi. It is a small town famous for her train station. We rented two bikes, but after 1/3 of the journey, we discovered the roads are all up hills. We did make the first turn, but then we decided to park our bikes on the road side. We continued to walk, and met a tunnel. Finally, we just turned our way back.
Freitag, Dezember 21, 2007
Everything happens for a lesson?

I went with a bus to Taichung today to visit Aileen. It has been a year when I last saw her. Last time when we traveled together was 2 years ago, before X'mas, to Strassbourg...
This time I brought her an important piece of news - what I heard in Tokyo some 2 months ago from a Japanese friend. I met only 2 friends in Tokyo. This piece of news is an answer to her question since 6 months... How can I imagine that these 2 apparently unrelated visits are in fact connected somehow?
We exchanged our stories for 2 consecutive nights. There are some similarities between our stories too. If there is a lesson from this visit, what can it be?
Donnerstag, Dezember 20, 2007
Met ChiChi in Taipei

She is the 4th persons I met in Taipei, the others are:
1) Ronald - at Taipei airport, for my first arrival for job interviews
2) Prof Chin and SiuMing - on the same flight TPE -> HK
Just like my stay in Germany, met ShuChen at Frankfurt Flughafen Fernbahnhof on my arrival. Are all these random events carrying no special meaning? At least, they make me feel "fateful"...
Montag, Dezember 17, 2007
Sonntag, Dezember 16, 2007
Montag, Dezember 10, 2007
What am I seeking?
Dienstag, Dezember 04, 2007
The criteria...
1) Be kind-hearted, treats everyone well (so that nothing too bad can happen after a break-up :p)
2) Be intellectually comparable, not too smart/stupid
3) Be able to support his own life, has a job
4) Be a passionate person with a clear goal (so that there is something which I can admire)
5) Be willing to make an effort in maintaining a harmonious relationship with regular communications [NEW]
Samstag, Dezember 01, 2007
Mittwoch, November 28, 2007
An introduction to Atheism
A typical email in a Taiwanese office
Samstag, November 24, 2007
Mittwoch, November 21, 2007
What can recall my memories... :p
Meine Zeit steht in Deine Hände
Meine Zeit steht in deinen Händen. Nun kann ich ruhig sein, ruhig sein in dir. Du gibst Geborgenheit, du kannst alles wenden. Gibt mir ein festes Herz, mach es fest in dir. 1. Sorgen quälen und werden mir zu groß. Mutlos frag ich: Was wird morgen sein? Doch du liebst mich, du lässt mich nicht los. Vater, du wirst bei mir sein. 2. Hast und Eile, Zeitnot und Betrieb nehmen mich gefangen, jagen mich. Herr, ich rufe: Komm und mach mich frei! Führe du mich Schritt für Schritt. 3. Es gibt Tage, die bleiben ohne Sinn. Hilflos seh ich, wie die Zeit verrinnt. Stunden, Tage, Jahre gehen hin, und ich frag, wo sie geblieben sind. Text (und Melodie) von Peter Strauch, © Hänssler - Verlag, 71087 Holzgerlingen
Samstag, November 17, 2007
YangMinShan 陽明山
Montag, November 05, 2007
To wait is the best action
Donnerstag, November 01, 2007
Dialogues with colorful personalities of early AI
Mittwoch, Oktober 31, 2007
AI's report on China's Human Right
Dienstag, Oktober 30, 2007
Bit Fall
Sonntag, Oktober 28, 2007
Donnerstag, Oktober 25, 2007
The first party I host in Taipei
I did punish myself by washing up all the dishes till 12am, throwing away tons of garbage, and tidying up the crime scene as if no transparsers have invaded.
I thought it was a simple dinner, but in fact there were more cultural issues involved. Not that the Germans were big and made the 700kg lift overloaded (to be honest, maybe the lift is too old?!)... but I was scolded by Jessia, that I should have given my "guests" a much better reception, so that these foreigners have a better impression about Taiwan. She even said if I invited her for a dinner in HK like this, she would get angry....
Well... I must admit, first, I have forgotten that I am in Taipei now, and I don't look different from a Taiwanese, so I was expected to bear the extra responsibility of enhancing the image of Taiwan. Second, I never intend to impress my friends by showing them the best possible, but the reality. I do this even in HK... :p But despite this room for improvement, I guess we had a great time.