Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Mittwoch, Oktober 31, 2007
AI's report on China's Human Right
This is a sentence from the report on death penalty in China, which I am translating, to be published by AI before the Olympics, Beijing 2008:
"Nevertheless, it (a figure on the number of death penalty carried out in China) still accounts for 13 times the combined number of executions reported to have been carried out in the rest of the world in 2006.(30)"
Well... while I agree there exist cases, which death penalty is abused by the local Chinese governments, this sentence is to me a complete mis-use of statistical figure - If we consider the population size in China, isn't it reasonable that this figure to be higher than the average? To be fair, we need to consider the number of criminals judged in all of the countries composing this world combined figure...
"youtube is forbidden in mainland since 1 to 2 weeks"
Somehow I should glad that I haven't got the offer in SH. I bet the salary will give me a big shock, and it is just out of my imagination how I can stay in such a place...
Dienstag, Oktober 30, 2007
1)今日我個包租婆又同我講佢地睇的乜野戲... 又係虐殺... 點解有咁多戲好揀,要睇埋o的咁既野?
2)又開始成日同佢im... 如果唔係佢搵我講野,咁就仲驚,即係我搵野同佢講... 屈指一數,起碼5個人叫我唔好再諗佢,只有阿媽一個話佢正常。以客觀既角度黎睇,我又有o的乜野理由覺得全世界都錯,只有我一個o岩?
Bit Fall
Für mich ist das Video eine gute Hören-Übung. Besonders mag ich diesen Satz -
"D.h. Die Dinge, die uns heute wichtig sind, könnt' morgen schon ganz anderes sein"
Sonntag, Oktober 28, 2007
Donnerstag, Oktober 25, 2007
The first party I host in Taipei
My landlords have gone to Japan for a week. Haha... imagine the furious look of my landlords if they got to see this... :p

I did punish myself by washing up all the dishes till 12am, throwing away tons of garbage, and tidying up the crime scene as if no transparsers have invaded.
I thought it was a simple dinner, but in fact there were more cultural issues involved. Not that the Germans were big and made the 700kg lift overloaded (to be honest, maybe the lift is too old?!)... but I was scolded by Jessia, that I should have given my "guests" a much better reception, so that these foreigners have a better impression about Taiwan. She even said if I invited her for a dinner in HK like this, she would get angry....
Well... I must admit, first, I have forgotten that I am in Taipei now, and I don't look different from a Taiwanese, so I was expected to bear the extra responsibility of enhancing the image of Taiwan. Second, I never intend to impress my friends by showing them the best possible, but the reality. I do this even in HK... :p But despite this room for improvement, I guess we had a great time.
I did punish myself by washing up all the dishes till 12am, throwing away tons of garbage, and tidying up the crime scene as if no transparsers have invaded.
I thought it was a simple dinner, but in fact there were more cultural issues involved. Not that the Germans were big and made the 700kg lift overloaded (to be honest, maybe the lift is too old?!)... but I was scolded by Jessia, that I should have given my "guests" a much better reception, so that these foreigners have a better impression about Taiwan. She even said if I invited her for a dinner in HK like this, she would get angry....
Well... I must admit, first, I have forgotten that I am in Taipei now, and I don't look different from a Taiwanese, so I was expected to bear the extra responsibility of enhancing the image of Taiwan. Second, I never intend to impress my friends by showing them the best possible, but the reality. I do this even in HK... :p But despite this room for improvement, I guess we had a great time.
P.S. and we received Lübecker Mazipanz as a token of thanks :)
Sonntag, Oktober 14, 2007
Sonntag, Oktober 07, 2007
Samstag, Oktober 06, 2007
Freitag, Oktober 05, 2007
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