米 3合 鶏モモ肉 1枚 タマネギ 1個 味醂 大さじ2 鰹だし 小さじ2 塩 適量 コショウ 適量 水 適量
Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Sonntag, September 28, 2008
HK tourist series - 橫州角洞
Samstag, September 27, 2008
onedotzero_adventures in motion 2008/09 festival tour
Donnerstag, September 25, 2008
Alles Auf Zucker

Dienstag, September 23, 2008
Mamma Mia! - I Have a Dream
♪♪ I have a dream, a song to sing To help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of a fairy tale You can take the future even if you fail I believe in angels Something good in everything I see I believe in angels When I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream - I have a dream ♪ I have a dream, a fantasy To help me through reality And my destination makes it worth the while Pushing through the darkness still another mile I believe in angels Something good in everything I see I believe in angels When I know the time is right for me I'll cross the stream - I have a dream I'll cross the stream - I have a dream refrain ♪
Samstag, September 20, 2008
Grapefruit diet receipt
- Don't deduct any food from the receipt, especially bacon or salad, because the diet receipt relies on the chemical effects produced by a particular food mix to burn fat. Grapefruit is very important - the key for fat burning, and thus cannot be omitted.
- Take less coffee, because this would affect the pancreas and slow down the fat-burning process.
- Don't eat or drink anything not listed on this receipt (except water). You shouldn't be feeling hungry if you follow this diet receipt.
- No desserts, no bread
- Vegetables exclude: white vegetables, sweet potato, potato, white onion, and celery. Vegetables include: red chili, carrots, onion (red or green), tomato, brocolli, radish, 青瓜, cucumber, white cabbage, iceberg cabbage, spinach.
"Principle of Laplace corollary"
Freitag, September 19, 2008
Gründung Regional Chapter Hongkong

Empirical laws of life
Law 1: "After I tell everyone I will go to (somewhere), finally I will not go there."This is a generalization with some 3 support counts. My plan is passively changed. MS decided to send me to somewhere in Asia in Jan instead of Sydney in Oct, even though an interview slot was already assigned. Now, I don't have to worry how to fly to 2 distanced destinations within 4 days of annual leave.
Law 2: "What seems initially impossible/difficult becomes an available option in the last minute"Again, 3-4 support counts. My plan is semi-actively changed. Persistence nor faith is not always required, the final outcome sometimes depends just on luck? Such unpredictable is my life. N.B.: and some more laws
Sonntag, September 14, 2008
Freitag, September 12, 2008
Dienstag, September 09, 2008
Montag, September 08, 2008
Flavor Of Life - Utada Hikaru
どうしたの? と急に聞かれると ううん、なんでもない doushita no? to kyuu ni kikareru to “uun. nandemo nai” さようならの後に消える笑顔 私らしくない sayounara no ato ni kieru egao watashi rashikunai 信じたいと願えば願うほど なんだかせつない sinjitai to negaeba negau hodo nandaka setsunai 「愛してるよ」よりも「大好き」の方が 君らしいんじゃない? “aishiteru yo” yori mo “daisuki” no hou ga kimi rashii janai? The flavor of life
忘れかけていた人の香りを 突然思い出す頃 wasurekakete ita hito no omoi wo totsuzen omoidasu koro 降りつもる雪の白さをもっと 素直に喜びたいよ furitsumoru yuki no shirosa wo omou to sunao ni yorokobitai yoダイアモンドよりもやわらかくて あたたかな未来 daiyamondo yorimo yawarakakute atatakana mirai 手にしたいよ 限りある時間を 君と過ごしたい teni shitai yo kagiri aru jikan wo kimi to sugoshitai ありがとう、と君に言われると なんだかせつない “arigatou” to kimi ni iwareru to nandaka setsunai さようならの後も解けぬ魔法 淡くほろ苦い sayounara no ato no tokenu mahou awaku horonigai The flavor of life
-------8<-------------------------------------------When you say thank you to me, for some reason it hurts, Like a magic spell that doesn’t get undone even after the good bye. a hint of bitterness. The flavor of life
Stuck midpoint between friends and lovers, like an un-riped fruit dreaming about the day of harvest because of being unable to just move one more step forward what’s causing this frustration baby
When you say thank you to me, for some reason it hurts, Like a magic spell that doesn’t get undone even after the good bye. a hint of bitterness The flavor of life
Sweet talk and tasteless conversations. it sparks no interest in me even when things do not go the way you want it doesnt mean you’ve thrown your life away
When asked ‘ whats wrong?’ I answer ‘its nothing’ The smile that disappears after goodbye It’s unlike me
The more I wish to believe in you, For some reason it hurts even more ‘I like you a lot’ instead of ‘I love you’ sounds more like you the flavor of life
the period when you suddenly remember the scent of someone you had almost forgotten I want to be able to openly and honestly cherish the white purity of the falling snow more
A future tender and warmer than a diamond I want to grasp it, in this limited time we have, I want to spend it with you
when you say thank you to me, for some reason it hurts, Like a magic spell that doesnt get undone even after the good bye. a hint of bitterness The flavor of life