Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Donnerstag, Januar 29, 2009
The transit stop - London

Donnerstag, Januar 22, 2009
Mittwoch, Januar 21, 2009
Heating knowledge for dummies
"Water = 27°C" x 4 = very important fact
Interesting statistics: Gas has a leading market share over other energy sources in domestic sector since the 90s (slide 3)
GERMANY -- Russian gas meets about 42% of annual demand. German customers remained supplied in full as German gas market leader E.ON-Ruhgas and its peers turned to gas reserves, alternative North Sea supplier countries, and a route via Belarus and Poland to bypass Ukraine. A spokesman for Wingas, which receives the bulk of its gas via the alternative route, said the status was still comfortable and had not changed over the weekend.
The Renewable Energies Heat Act in Brief
"Natural gas and mineral oil alone cover nearly three-quarters of Germany's heat demand."
Montag, Januar 19, 2009
Sonntag, Januar 18, 2009
Freitag, Januar 16, 2009
記得上年,白痴佬一個 msn 訊息,叫我到香港機場拯救一個身上只有 20 RMB的非洲人,擔心他在香港機場被人歧視,又連買食物的錢也沒有。那個非洲人因為要省錢,便轉乘四次便宜的飛機,從非洲飛到中國。不知為何,被香港海關拒絕轉乘上機。
看罷這類的報導,總會覺得那種"逆境使人堅強"的哲學,只是一個正面的信念;用理智分析,不可能覺得這些逆境對一個人可以有什麼好處... 不過反正事情怎樣看都己經發生了,有個正面的信念也是不錯的。如果每個人都會替別人設想,其實這個世界的山山水水也是美好的,不會是個如此可怕和痛苦的地方。
Donnerstag, Januar 15, 2009
Explore. Dream. Discover.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
It is important though, that the adventure carries a purpose, and is not directionless.
Mittwoch, Januar 14, 2009
Last Day at Thomson Reuters

Even if I worked till 9pm on my last day of work in HK, not everything could be fully completed...
Farewells... I begin to think if I have treasured the time that we spent together, made it a period of quality time, tried my best to maintain a long-term correspondence, etc. It doesn't matter to me if someone has to leave. This is but a natural phenomenon in my lifetime.
The company logo fleece was distributed right on time. There is in fact a grammatical mistake in the company name. The founder is called Paul Julius Reuter. The 's' at the end is the German possessive form, as in "Reuters Haus". Strictly speaking, the company should be called "Thomson Reuter"
Sonntag, Januar 04, 2009
回憶在土賓根空降之前,有兩個不認識的人替我找宿舍 - 時光和瑞士人 Bruno。歌德同學給了我一個 contact。港大另有三個人已登陸 - 在機場碰巧遇上 SC, J 又在火車站接我。另有一個計算機學系的導師也提出可以接機。之後碰到住在同一座的 Hui,幫助我在宿舍的一切。所有事情都十分順利。
回憶在台北空降之前,先認識了假髲妹教我坐公車。老闆又親自替我看了七八個房子。雖然最後我都沒揀上,才寄住在媽媽朋友姊姊女兒的房子兩個星期。老闆又開車到火車站接我。我在工作的園區認識了德國的 Tom,在教會認識了曾經住過香港的 Selina和她的印度同事 Siju。Siju 碰巧住在我家附近。之後又認識了德國的 Lai。所有事情也都十分順利。
現在快要空降亞琛,介紹我到公司的 Richard 給了我一堆 contacts,可是沒有一個人是很熱心的。也難怪,這些人都不知道空降的煩惱;還是南部的人比較熱情?筆友的女朋友的兄弟是住在亞琛的,這個關係打得上嗎?三年前是見過一個住在亞琛的網友,可是現在也沒有聯絡...
聯絡一:同事 Richard
聯絡三:我 Tübingen 朋友在台灣認識的朋友
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