Donnerstag, März 03, 2005

Scheiss Tag!!!

Finally the laptop can't even power on. The problem was much more difficult than I have conceived. Very initially, I was told the laptop can't boot from a USB CD-ROM, and it can't boot into the harddisk with an error message "operating system not found". At first, I supposed it can be a corrupted boot record or something, for which the problem can be solved softwarely. After lots of efforts, I successfully borrowed a USB floppy drive, and downloaded the WinXP start up disks (6 disks in total!!). The USB floppy drive and the disks are bootable at the laptop. However, applying fdisk gives the error with something like "No device is found". Then, it was determined that the BIOS can't detect the harddisk. The next question was how to determine if the harddisk is really broken. Having no idea, we tried to dissembled the machine and dug out the model of the HD, but then a terrible experience followed. With many difficulties we opened the laptop, and after we re-assembled it, it can't even be powered on. Something was short-circuited?! And it was my first time to hear "Scheisse..." in reality life since I learnt this word. No matter how many times I say sorry, this tragedy is irreversible. I do think I learnt alot, but I wasn't the one to pay for the cost in terms of $, though I do pay something else... I can't remember if I have said anything after I answered the question about the coming days' weather, and before the "sleep well" which suddenly sounded ironic. That night was cold, and left me awful memories and guilty feelings... :'-(

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habe gerade Deinen Artikel gelesen! :-)
Hier zwei Hinweise: 1. Es heisst korrekt "Scheiss Tag" und ich empfehle Dir einen Apple Rechner! :-)

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Kay aka LuckyKvD