The shipment charge costs more than the product itself, but I have no way to get this product in HK. This product is quite dangerous indeed, if it is the real stuff, but no one opens my package and inspects it. I'm not sure if the export/postal regulations in US is that free, and if there are regulations in HK forbidding its import. But I know in Germany it's more strict, that I would not be able to receive this packet... So lucky that it shipped fast!!
Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Donnerstag, September 29, 2005
My first eBay purchase
I paid $12 for shipment + handling charge, but as you see from the photo, the postage only costs $3.05. I felt it's way overcharged, but the shipment was fast, 4 days from US to HK.
Mittwoch, September 28, 2005
BRAVO!!! I solved Grow RPG, Grow CUBE, and Grow ver. 3 after a few trials, which was not possible in the past. Has my logical thinking improved a little bit (because I've thought over some complicated stuff recently and had a little progress) OR was it just luck OR am I too moliu recently?
Grow RPG - house, tree, castle, water, pangoda, rock, box, stairs Grow CUBE - human, water, seeds, bucket, pipe, fire, plate, bone, spring, ball Grow Ver. 3 - brick, egg, sun, hill, ladder, pipe, fan, twister, screw, plate, engine, screen
Dienstag, September 27, 2005
Polly's B'day Dinner
I + P + A + P + I are present. =)
Went to the Korean resturant at 金百利 for Korean BBQ. Quite expensive!!
Received the souvenier from I. In fact, this "emu oil" stuff is quite popular in the western world, but in an oil form. And also "Jojoba oil". It is sometimes hard to understand why people dare to put so much "wierd stuff" on their faces.
Emu oil

Donnerstag, September 15, 2005
今日係 Goethe 撞倒 Robin,佢同我講普通話...
R: 你何时去德国? A: Em... 我在 anfang Oktober 去德国 。 R: 恩... anfang Oktober。你去哪儿? A: 我去 Tübingen。 R: 你去上大学? A: 是啊。 R: 很好。你已经有位子了? A: Yes,我有一个 exchange 的位子。 R: ????? [我聽唔明佢問乜... 我既問題] A: [一個聽唔明既樣] R: ????? [佢重複...] A: [都係一個聽唔明既樣] R: 你是读 Linguistics? A: No, I study Computer Science R: 好了,我先走了,再見... A: Ok, bye!!
一時之間轉唔倒台... 我個 reflex reaction 係一見倒德國人會講德文或者英文.... =p
Dienstag, September 13, 2005
Meeting B
Today I met B from Frankfurt, who studies MBA at CUHK. He's only here for 2 months as a visiting student. He's on a scholarship from the German government, and that scholarship covers everything including the flight ticket. He said a master student in Germany gets a monthly salary of 4000€. Maybe I should look for another study place instead of a job... =p
So he was again on a German tone that every university in Germany is of comparable standard, it is not like in France with an elite of elite system. The idea is that everyone should get a chance to "enter" a university, but the graduation rate can be really low, like 80% of people failing an exam for example...
It seems to me he'd like to have Chinese food, so I brought him to 翡翠拉麵 ... I thought Germans like to drink Beer, so I ordered "Drunken Chicken". A few things which I found really funny...
1) He tried to remove the chicken skin and the bones before he threw a piece into his mouth, looks like doing a surgery (ok, this is what he said =P)...
2) He doesn't like the Chinese alcohol =D
3) Finally he gave up his surgery, so I had 3/4 of the "Drunken Chicken". I gave him almost all my Peking dumplings...
I will try to learn from my experience... LOL
Donnerstag, September 08, 2005
Pinky's birthday gathering
A + P + P + I + B gathered at 壽司亭, CWB for Pinky's birthday. Two As were absent. A CSIS classmate is going to get married?! Had a little updates from each other.
It seems my behavior is kind of eccentric recently, at least being so percieved by others?! So for those of you who are keen to know, here's the weird exchange program in Germany, which I'm supposed to participate (if I can find a room there). I can tell, don't dream about life is so automatic like everything is arranged for you... don't portrait me like I'm going to follow any German Gege home... =p
Dienstag, September 06, 2005
A German Day...
I had lunch with Jo, another girl from HKU who's going to Tuebingen next Thursday. We talked about 2-3 hours about preparation and other stuff. Glad to know that Perlie has settled down in Tuebingen. I think my stay will be much less exploring in nature, because there are many people whom I can seek help from and ask questions.
I came across a skype pal S on bus 23 on my way home. A guy from Germany studying MBA at HKU. I recognized him because he put his picture on his profile. I've thought about asking him "bist du S?", but finally I didn't do it, actually there was no harm even if I recognized the wrong person... Yet another guy B from Germany, studying MBA at CUHK. I will help them to get to know each other... =p
I really believe whether people are going to meet or not is something arranged.
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