Today I had a oral Einstufungspruefung from the ISP. The arragement is as usual, like a mess. I don't know why they can't assign a particular timeslot instead of having a crowd of students waiting outside the room without queuing. But because of this mess, I get to know an Italian girl.
I have finished the programming part of my first "exercise" for the CS course. The exercise was supposed to be finished by a group of 2-3 students, and I group with a mainland girl. But it was a terrible experience... Finally I completed the programming part alone, with the extra load of solving her programming problems. She anwered the written part of the questions, but I simply cannot agree with her interpretation of a question, and I could not convince her, and finally I submitted another version of answer, and our "group" is deformed... OMG!!! :p
At night I had my Bridge course, 2nd lesson. The German student (Buergel?) was very nice to ask if he should teach the course in English, but the other German students seem to be quite reluctant, and thus I answered: "Du kannst auch auf Deutsch machen. Ich versuche zu verstehen" -_-"" Then, I understood what is a language barrier. And Buergel was very responsible to ask me questions regularly to check if I understand. LOL. I was able to catch the simple rules, but was clearly didn't able to catch as much as the German students.
At night, I worked until 3am on my own version of answers for the CS exercise, spending time on both reading the notes, and finding helps for translating my answers from English to German.
Wozu gibt es UDP? Haette es genuegt, die Benutzerprozesse einfache rohe IP-Paketesenden zu lassen? Begruende deine Antwort!
UDP ist für Netzwerkanwendungen, wie z.b. die Übertragung von Dateien und Medien, verantwortlich; welche während der Dattenübertagung ein bestimmtesMaß an Datenverlust und Fehler tolerieren können. Wegen der Einfachheit des UDP Protokolls (z.B. ist es verbindungslos und nichtzuverlässig) ist das UDP Protokoll für leichte oder zeitkritische Anwendungenschneller und effizienter. Nein, rohe ip-Pakete sind nicht ausreichend, weil UDP Funktionen wie z.B. multiplexing und Daten-Checksumme auf die Spitze eines IP Datagramms hinzufügt.
This is for me an important milestone... :p