Early in the morning, we went to Eurocar to pick up the car. The car was very new. I had no idea at all where we were on the map. But W drove first to Bern, then the Chateau de Chillon, Interlaken, then finally the Jung Frau. Didn't take the tram to the top, was a pity... :p
In the French speaking region, we had lunch in a small town. There is a COOP though. :p I paid this time Euro as Franc. The woman at COOP spoke something to me in French, of course I didn't understand... :p

Chateau de Chillon and Bern

DC was run out of battery. I will probably buy a new DC when I go back to HK.... :p
At night he cooked the dinner. I saw on the street the Doener in Zurich doubled the price in my uni-town in Germany (which is already an expensive town).

Swiss stuff which I bought with my coins
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