Today I met Alex from my Campus Challenge project group. Nils didn't come. Before he quoted "Shoene Aussichten" in his email, I didn't recognize this is a meeting point: a cafe... :p
The Cafe was closed. We moved to another place in the innerstadt. At first, he spoke to me in German, but then I asked if I can continue in English. I was very happy when he told me he didn't know I'm a foreigner when reading my emails, LOL. Hopefully there will not be any big communication problems.
He talked about the stress of working in Germany. Well... as a HKer, I do not really see why this is a stress... :p But I agree it is less "stressful" in Spain.
And he told me he finds Tuebingen really small, for any graduates to stay here to develop a career. But it's a nice town, which is small enough, so that you can go to play beach ball within 2 hours between your classes, and then attend the classes with your sweat. I am expecting an exciting summer!!
Today, I also received my HSBC card by DHL. I like HSBC. :)

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