Salzburg + New Chinese friends

Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Because I don't like walking around the city alone (If I like this, I don't need any person accompanying me for a trip...), today I went with 2 Indians and 1 Nepal whom I met at the hostel. They are very friendly. Basically they didn't have a plan where they wanted to visit, so I was completely free to give my suggestions, which was much easier than with Ding, who has strong opinions (and blamed me for having no opinion :p). I don't really hate him, but I just think we are too different to have an harmoneous trip together. My tour group had some guided tours at the Rathaus and the Parliament, walked around the city and took photos.
Night view at Hofburg + Stattopera queue
Then we queued 3 hours before the opera started in order to get a ticket at the pakett. But I must say, the management for the Stattopera is *extremely* poor. They over-sold tickets and there is no designated place for a standing place. Even if I am not paying the full price, I'd expect to receive a reasonable treatment. We had some little conflicts with some Japanese standing at the first row. Basically there is a "tradition" that one can tie something at the standing place to reserve it on a first come basis. But the problem was an Austrian couple stirred up our conflicts. Those were people who dressed up very formal, like they are educated, and have good social manners. Please forgive me I'm rude and don't know these regulations of politeness. I just think as long as I am standing in a place, not blocking the sight of any people, not making the place too crowded so that they have no place to move, it is alright. The Austrian man said: "you guys haven't queued up for 3 hours and you cannot stand on the first row. It is not fair." I thought, what is fair? What is wrong with us standing at a place blocking no one, except making these people jealous? Even the Japanese were fine with us... This world is sometimes crazy...
At the St. Stephens Dom there is a ceremony in the morning on the 25th. I think the pope's speech was broadcasted live. I just walked freely around the city, roughly following the map. The mounuments are coupled so closed together that you don't really have to look up a map. A random walk will encounter a random one.
Schönbrunn + X'mas lights
In the afternoon I visited the Schönbrunn. There was the last X'mas market. Had a tour around the palace. Went back to the city center at night for Arabella with a standing place at the Stattopera. The opera was in German. I wonder what it is like when Germans are listening to an opera in German. Is it similar to us listening to a 粤曲?
Continued the walk through different mounuments. It was actually not a good idea to travel around Europe during X'mas, because all the places are closed some days between 24th-26th. The only thing you should do is: visit an European family. X'mas is a family festival.
Szt. Gellert ter + closed Shopping mall
Rided the cable car to the National Gallery. Watched the duty shift of the soldiers. Walked around the mounuments in the Castle district: Matthias Church, Fischermen's Bastion. Had lunch at a Chinese Imbiss with 480Ft. Took different night shots along the Donau. Watched a film Deja fu(?) at night (an American film...).
Matthias Church + Parliament