Samstag, Mai 14, 2005

** Side-story

At the moment when M and S shaked hands. I thought about these dialogs: [M warned me "lass dich virtuell nicht aufreissen", I asked S for the meaning afterwards] A: Hi! Ich habe die Bedeutung fuer 'aufreissen' gefunden. Das heisst 'Zeit fuer boese Woerter Uebung' M: aha willst du mir jetzt sagen dass es Zeit ist.... oder meinst du das das die Bedeutung ist A: Ich verstehe jetzt der Wort M: das Wort M: gut ebenfalls zwei bedeutungen welche kennst du?? A: zwei bedeutungen??? einen Moment bitte... A: I will copy and paste what I found... M: na ja zwei Zusammenhaenge A: [from S] god, who taught you such language? :) aufreissen = (for girls) being taken to the home of a guy and then persuaded/forced to have sex with him M: no no no not forced M: nothing criminal A: really? M: means more one night stand when guys are talking to each other M: really A: but my friend also told me 'persuaded' A: so the other meaning is simply 'to open (sth)' M: persuaded could be right but not neccesarily A: I hope my dictionary hasn't cheated me... M: to open is also right especially for fruit gumms M: aufreissen means open something very fast and mostly the bag will be sliced What would S feel if she knew this? At the moment when M shaked hands with me, I felt being brought from virtual to reality.

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