Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Kreisskarpasse for EC-card kaufsland clear all the rubbish for the Muehl trennen because it is my turn to be the Muehldienst Bridge at night with 3 learners. I was surprised to learn Germans use French terms for Bridge: S.A. = No trumph Pik, Couer, Karo, Treff
German cards: A K D(amen) B(uble?) Z(ehn) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
ISP frage nach vormittag kurs. Bibilothek benutzerausweise beschwerben. Wasserhahn wieder in Ordnung. Borrowed internet and had dinner at Li Hui's place. Very hot dinner with 4 dishes. Different styles of Chinese food... Met Zhun Li and another guy (8/F) from China.
Today I went to my faculty again for course registration stuff. I coudn't find Nina, but the lady at the office was very kind to bring me to my course teacher, Eric. There he helped me to open an account at CS dept. I told him I find him quite strange here, that there is no advisors for the students.
At night, I met my netpal Shi Guang, a mainland student, with his 3 other friends here. My impression is: Mainland students always think HK people should learn well Mandarin. One of them spoke to me in English or German whenever I don't understand the Mandarin equivalent. -_-"" I found what they cooked are too hot for me, and they also said they don't find HK food tasty. I had my first glass of beer in Germany tonight, from Chinese students.... :p
With the receipt of the 62 Euro + AOK insurance + Burgersamt address ameldung + temporary resident permit, finally I can do the immatrikulation. I got to know Li Hui, a mainland acheology doctoral student here, outside the student sekretariat by asking only... "do you come from China?". Now she's somebody I frequently contact here. I find it quite funny. She lentt me her internet connection. I met my mitwohneren Rebecca and Marco today.
I came across Shu Chen at Frankfurt Fernbahnhof.
Jo picked me up at the train station, and it was another pain to move the luggage to her Wohnheim. I had a Doener as lunch outside the Kirche, and watched the performance of a Strassekunsler. I stayed at Jo's place for the first night, because I cannot pick up my room keys on Sunday. I met Jo's neighbor with a strange plant.
Glad that this package arrived on the last day before I leave!
Contacted the HK Post Office. It seems there is no way to track my package. No reply yet from the seller, I'm not sure if I sent my purchase order enquiry pre-maturely, because it's only a week from the claimed shipment date. I really hope I don't need to experience the process of firing a claim at PayPal.
Purchased a feather coat at CWB. Went to my last swimming class: I learnt a bit of butterfly stroke :D
Exchanged money. Read some security features info on Euro: http://www.euro.gov.uk/eurocash.asp