Visited Legoland in Gruenzburg. Met Sammi und Yugo (Japanese). Originally we planed to purchase the Schones Wochenende Ticket. But someone suggest we might purchase the cheaper
Baden-Wuerttemberg ticket. But on the train, the ticket checker told us: "Ulm ist in Bayaern", and we have to pay 27 Euro more. But in fact, we don't need to buy any train ticket at all, because there is a Combo ticket Legoland... We've lost 57 Euro!!! :p
On the way home at Gruenzburg, we met 3 other HK girls from PolyU studying at Austria. We also met another HK girl who resigned her job to travel around the Eastern Europe by herself for 3 weeks. To me, she is "very brave" or "very crazy"...

Legoland Deutschland
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