I went to pay the Einschreibungsgebuehr in the morning, and then came to the Burgersamt by accident, and filled in a form with many difficulties (all instructions and fields are in German!!) for address registration and temporary resident permit application. Then I applied for the Gesundheitsicherung at AOK, Mensa.

62 € registration fee and AOK insurance

The I went to O2 to get a prepaid handykarte. It costs 3-4 HKD per air minute. I purchased the Reinigung token from the Hausmeister, 10HKD per token. Met Jenya at Bibliothek, and she brought me around the Altstadt. Then Britta brought me to Baumau to buy Vorhang, and Kaufsland to buy Kleidebuerge. Britta showed me her WG, and at there I also met Christine.

My O2 LOOP card and Britta's WG
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