Don't envy me for the delicious food nor the beautiful world scenaries, but the good time with my family and friends.
Mittwoch, Juni 29, 2005
A Series of Unexpected Events...
Event 1:
Early in the morning, a skype friend called and asked me to translate 宋渠 - 家语, while I was all in a hurry preparing to go school. Of course I did that in English... =p
5. 平常
Eines Tages am Himmel Blumenduft allmaehlich dichter, im Zimmer
Die parasitaeren Verwandten gaben sich alle Muehe tief einzuatmen
mit konzentrierten Mienen, das Herz....
ploetzlich ging draussen ein Alter froehlich (geil) singend vorbei
der Ton brachte die Papierfenster zum bersten, fiel auf den Kopf
geradeaus hatte es nicht/keinen...
Als ich das hoerte konnte ich nichts mehr sagen....
den Koerper durchdrang eine Art von Angeheitertsein
noch ein paar Tage danach vermisste ich keine schlaefrige Augen
das Kantinenessen wurde auch abgebrochen
als der Herbst vorbei war wurden die Menschen kuehler
Ich vermisste diesen Saenger mit jedem Gedanken
Ich wusste nicht ob sein Koerper ein/e/n erstjahrigen Erfahrung vermisste
ob er heute wieder in jene Gegend (Erde/Territorium) gezogen war
augenblicklich/ploetzlich war der Winter da, und ich liess die suessen Erinnerungen nochmals an meinem inneren Auge vorbei ziehen
Event 2:
Ich habe das Punkt von meiner Pruefung eingegangen: 37/40. Herr Wang fragt mich nochmals, "Wer ist dein Lehrer vorher?"
Event 3:
Came across my brother at CWB when I paid for the flight ticket. He asked if I want to join their trip to Macau. If I were a little bit more prepared, I would be at Macau now.
Event 4:
My dad told me today how he got to know my mum, and married. Huh?! I would say it is no less crazy than my friend's marriage.
Dienstag, Juni 28, 2005
Lacking the determination?
Today I discussed with Pagasus about postponing the start date of the job, when I received the ICQ message about playing basketball. *As logically follows*, the answer is "yes and no" depending on if they still need a person in March. He repeated the on-job-traveling opportunities, and I should think more about my future prospects associated with *each* option. If I know what is future... =p
I thought I were determined, but I didn't have the courage to say "bye bye" on the phone. I told I will give a definite answer in 2 days. Mensch!!! At the moment, I feel I will choose the "short-sighted" approach, I'd rather grab something that looks more certain in enabling me to maximize my uncertainties...
Given the statement that my life is insignificant is true, why should I hesitate to make a decision when either of the consequences is insignificant?
Montag, Juni 27, 2005
Mein langweiliges Leben
I saw a serious car accident in the morning on the way to school, a person was injured with his shirt in blood. Then on bus 40, there were two people suffering from mental illness, and another old woman with serious stomach problem on her way to QM. At the moment, I was thinking, "Hey, what happened today?"
Ich habe zu minsten 2 Felher in meiner Deutschprüfung gemacht.
1) Umziehen => Umgezogen (sic: Umgezohen)
2) Heute Morgen bin ich im (sic: in den) Park spazieren gegangen.
Jemand beschwert in der Nacht bei mir über dieses langweilige Blog. Daüber habe ich nachgedacht. Das ist einfach mein langweiliges Leben!!
Sonntag, Juni 26, 2005
A Day to Tong Chung
Today we visted my cousin's new flat at Tong Chung. The flat is not big, the living room is like the size of my room, but for 1-2 person, it is probably big enough.
At night, we had buffet at Airport's Regal. 50% off (forgotten why). There was a "chocolate fountain" where you can dip fruits and cotton sweets into it. =D
Tong Chung New Estates and Chocolate Fountain

Freitag, Juni 24, 2005
Meeting S and his wife again
Met S and his wife at YMT A1 exit. Because of the street they are living at, I can't stop thinking my hypothesis is true... They were married since last April, and for 5 months S was staying in HK, temporarily suspending his job in Germany. This is probably impossible in HK? =p
We dined in a local Chinese restaurant. The waiter suggested us to have Lobster... -_-" During the dinner, I helped his wife to translate another 5 pages of letter. I knew S felt a bit annoyed. Maybe he didn't want me to know too much about their problems, nor to feel our meeting was about asking me to be a translator. I asked a few questions about German.
I foresee the problems which he will have to face in finding a job and staying here in HK, and their child growing up in an Adam's family. Another extreme choice... =p
Donnerstag, Juni 23, 2005
SkypeOut + E-Mule
Today was about program testing.
In the morning, it was my first time to try SkypeOut and another pc-to-phone program (name forgotten). The quality of SkypeOut is acceptable, much better than the other program. I remember when A called me from Japan using VoIP, the quality was similar.
Driven by curiosity, I installed E-Mule at night for downloading the manga "Vagabond" and "Gantz". I remember I installed E-Mule before, but I couldn't get it work. I didn't intend to trouble others for so many hours, but I did. I still haven't figured out how to get a HighID... =p
From the commentary and graphics on web, you understand why Dragon Ball is not violent nor exotic. =D
Mittwoch, Juni 22, 2005
The Father's Day
My mother's not yet back. In the afternoon we went to Jardine House for dim sum. Then, I went inside a newly opened bookshop. I could identify a few German tourists by their accent even when they at first spoke in English. =D
I had a look at the Lonely Planet series: a western text-major style, not very attractive (but the content can be useful?). I really prefer Japanese style if I were able to read Japanese text.
Japanese guidebook (left) and Sai Kung Seafood (right)
At night, we went to Sai Kung to have seafood. Came across CSIS classmate Yau. We were asked to choose the seafood first before we could queue for a table. It was too crowd and chaotic, and we waited for almost 2 hours, when probably all the sea creatures have died from suffocation. It was quite expensive, but not so delicious. =p I have *again* forgotten to charge my dc battery, and could not take any photos.
Freitag, Juni 17, 2005
Tuebingen's Peer @ HKU
Met H and S who may also visit the same German University this October. I got information about ICE, Deutsche Bahn, finding jobs at Stuttgart, CitiBank, a health insurance company, etc. S was there for 6 years, so H and me can throw any questions for 2 hours at StarBucks, HKU. -_-"
Mittwoch, Juni 15, 2005
Life throws twists to me?
Event 1:
My German class teacher begins to get mad at me with the following attendence record:
Day 1: 15 min late
Day 2: Absent
Day 3: 30 min late
* It seems that I'm about to throw my deposit $$ into the sea. =p
Event 2:
My language exchange is cancelled today due to the heavy rain.
* Verdamn! =D
Event 3:
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 16:58:19 +0800
From: Office of International Student Exchange
To: [omitted]
Subject: Acceptance letter
Pls noted that we have received the acceptance letter from Tuebingen, pls come to 9/F Knowles Bldg for collection.
* Did she intentionally send this email at 16:58 when the office is going to close at 17:00? I feel I am facing a similar dilemma like 2 years ago. =p
Montag, Juni 13, 2005
The 6-Hour-German Marathon
Today is nothing academic.
The whole morning:
The University summer intensive German class begins. Teacher Wang is humorous, but I prefer to have a native teacher. =p I thought the German level of univeristy students can be better than my Goethe classmates, but in fact they are no different. At the end of the class:
Wang: Your German is quite well. Who was your teacher?
Me: I did not learn at the University, I learnt at Geothe. (The point is I don't think my teachers at Goethe are particularly well. Maybe I am too picky... =p)
The whole afternoon:
Department Jupas Interview. There were some 100 students. I think I didn't really help that much except contributing my time.
The whole evening:
German course at Goethe. Having no revision to attend the class was a complete mess. =p
Donnerstag, Juni 09, 2005
The last seat again
Since last week, all the airlines except China, Eva & Philippine are full. I waited for a full week hoping that a miracle would appear... In the seismic second (simply went to Agency A, then B, then return to A), there is *a* free seat!!! Now I will go by Korean. =D
Today, S replied my email and told me he is just married in HK!! (and he's in HK again =D) I guess with the woman I saw last time, some 6 or 7 months ago? I still remember I helped her to translate a few sentances on a paper, and helped him to translate an email from Chinese into English. As an observer, I simply cannot understand their *magic* way of communications. =p Does it fall into the same theory that L told, "It doesn't matter how long you have gone over it, at the right moment you can progress alot"?! Maybe when I'm at 36, I will have a different thought?
Sonntag, Juni 05, 2005
Shoot the shit
laughter and slaughter
schiesse (shoot) und scheisse (shit)
Shoot the shit = baffling
Merde pour demain = shit for tomorrow => good luck
Updated record:
3 Gemans said my German carries an American accent
1 Swiss said my English carries an American accent
1 American said my English carries a British accent
1 American thought I am British (from writings)
1 French said my English sucks (and everything else sucks)
1 Austrian + 1 Beijinger said my Mandarin carries a Cantonese accent
Mittwoch, Juni 01, 2005
Signing contract
Today I went to Entone to sign the contract. They hired 19 students in total, among them only 2 of them are girls, and 3 of them are from HKU.
Pengasus asked me 3 names in Canossa, but I know none of them.
I know the $900,000 recorder that he mentioned in the Breifing, I actually have used it once at PCG.
I have a bad feeling after sawing the two game consoles... =p
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