Dienstag, Juni 28, 2005

Lacking the determination?

Today I discussed with Pagasus about postponing the start date of the job, when I received the ICQ message about playing basketball. *As logically follows*, the answer is "yes and no" depending on if they still need a person in March. He repeated the on-job-traveling opportunities, and I should think more about my future prospects associated with *each* option. If I know what is future... =p I thought I were determined, but I didn't have the courage to say "bye bye" on the phone. I told I will give a definite answer in 2 days. Mensch!!! At the moment, I feel I will choose the "short-sighted" approach, I'd rather grab something that looks more certain in enabling me to maximize my uncertainties... Given the statement that my life is insignificant is true, why should I hesitate to make a decision when either of the consequences is insignificant?

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