Donnerstag, Juni 09, 2005

The last seat again

Since last week, all the airlines except China, Eva & Philippine are full. I waited for a full week hoping that a miracle would appear... In the seismic second (simply went to Agency A, then B, then return to A), there is *a* free seat!!! Now I will go by Korean. =D Today, S replied my email and told me he is just married in HK!! (and he's in HK again =D) I guess with the woman I saw last time, some 6 or 7 months ago? I still remember I helped her to translate a few sentances on a paper, and helped him to translate an email from Chinese into English. As an observer, I simply cannot understand their *magic* way of communications. =p Does it fall into the same theory that L told, "It doesn't matter how long you have gone over it, at the right moment you can progress alot"?! Maybe when I'm at 36, I will have a different thought?

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