Mittwoch, Juli 06, 2005


今日又走左堂德文... 因為琴晚 4 點先訓... =p 事源只係我問左一句 "How was the day?",之後佢就話佢成日係度翻譯,跟住 send 個 file 問我o的英文有冇錯。o個o的 Google 譯既英文,梗係錯到七彩,跟住要我呢個唔識法文既人去翻譯,粒粒字都要查字典,真係殺左我... 我同佢反映左我既困難,第二日佢同我講: "today i have tried to translate more seriously. so for you is more easy to catch, so you can help better, and on a long period is better for us both" (其實由頭至尾我都冇講過話我會幫佢,好似俾人屈咁) "go in msn. after that i will send files about horse. very big. 230 pages." 我最唔明係點解佢完全唔會覺得,叫我做咁多野會唔好意思... 仲要叫人做野係度彈三彈四: "do you feel with your english you can do the job well, after all you are not a native language level" 係咪我問佢野既時候,佢都係咁諗:點解佢問咁多野都唔會覺得唔好意思...?! "you use me to search like a web engine. when i answer i don't know, you say 'hey doggy go and find the information' " "when will you go on a forum? after i am dead ?" "may i be buddha if i can endure you for one year ?" 真係唔知係好笑定係好嬲...

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