Sonntag, März 27, 2005


Went to "Beijing Tower" at Causeway bay for dim sum with my relatives. Then I spent some hours at City-super figuring how I could spend my coupons. Finally I bought some daily necessities, which can also be bought at Wellcome. I find my purchasing desire is extremely low, to an unhealthy level. But I bought my forth watch purchased by myself in life. (I guess this figure also shows how low has been my purchasing desire)

Back to non-digital display and mono-function Posted by Hello

At night, we had dinner at "Beijing Tower" at Admiralty. I liked the food there.

Samstag, März 26, 2005

A trip to "Dong Ping Chau"

Today me + M + J + FJ joined a Yau Ma Tei local tour to "Dong Ping Chau". The most challenging part of the journey was to get up at 6:30am on Saturday. We took some two hours by the ferry to Dong Ping Chau. The rocks there were special, but there wasn't a Geography student G to explain the details to us. Of course, the tour guide wasn't as professional as G. We had a $15 ham & egg noodles there. Rocks and the sea Posted by Hello Then, we had the so called seafood lunch at "Tap Mun". We also visited the "balanced rock" on the island. The view from the other side of the island looked fantastic. There were many wild campers there. Except the water weren't very blue, the place didn't look like to be in HK. But if you don't fly a kite, there isn't much that one could do.

Tap Mun scene and the Balanced Rock Posted by Hello We then met G at "Long Ho Fong" for the dinner at Italian Tomato. Glad to know she got a job at Metro Group.

At home, I received two emails: 1) Got a reply from B, un/expected, for keeping in touch. 2) Got a reply from J, for terminating our penpalship. But suddenly I don't feel these are so important as before. Quite a change.

Donnerstag, März 24, 2005


This is my first and my last time to go to the SSCM. There was nothing really special happened though... =p

Montag, März 21, 2005

Something wrong

For 3 more days, it has happened for 3 weeks. Still I feel very uncomfortable about it. I talked to somebody today, but it didn't make me better. Maybe even worse. I have to concede, there's something wrong.

Sonntag, März 20, 2005

Meeting up S

I met S at 3pm at Taikoo MTR starbucks. With the classes, she looked a bit different from her picture. I recommended a Taiwanese drink at the food court. We walked around log-on and cityplaza to look for a sewing kit, but finally we found the threads and the needles at my flat. I guess her impression about my flat is "small and messy" =p. I also showed her a few pictures taken during my times in the secondary school. She gave me a small gift. This reminds me about S. I suspect if it's a custom in Germany that you have to send someone a gift for the first meet-up. She also invited me for a drink. This reminds me about B. But in my German textbook, there is a strange phrase for bezahlen called "zusammen oder getrennt". I'd say so far I haven't encountered this situation in reality life. The gifts from S and another S Posted by Hello

Sonntag, März 13, 2005

哈... 我今日寫中文...

前幾日我咪寫過我識左瑞典既 S ,佢又學緊德文。原來佢個 blog 除左有 Gender Genie 之外,仲有一個錄音係係提過我既: "ich habe einige deutschelerner im Net gefunden... ich habe vier, vier Personen gefunden.... ich habe auch eine Frau aus Hongkong gefunden. Die Maize..." 但係我之所以會發現呢段錄音,係因為我今日識左德國既 C。佢話佢睇過我個 blog,因為佢去左 S 個 blog。 其實個原理同 Friendster 一樣,不過好得意... 亦都因為我唔係好想佢地知道我講緊佢地,所以我打返中文... 其實我一早已經發現我寫o的野太低B,可能會影響佢地對香港人既印象... =p 今個星期五會見 S: meine Sprachaustauschpartnerin an der UST。 自從我整壞左 B 既 laptop 之後,寫過一封 email,我都冇搵過佢,亦都唔係好敢再搵佢... 唔知佢今次走之前仲會唔會同我講呢?

Mittwoch, März 09, 2005


Sie haben eine Stadtrundfahrt in Hongkong gemacht. Erzählen Sie! Schicken Sie mir eine Email. Hallo Thomas, ich habe am letzten Sonntag eine schöne Stadtrundfahrt in Hongkong gemacht. Daüber möchte ich dir erzählen. Zuerst war ich in einem chinesische Restaurant in Pacific Place, und ich hatte viele Dimsum und chinesischen Tee zum Frühstück. Denn bin ich zu Fuß zur Peak Tram Station gegangen. Mit der Tram bin ich zum Peak Turm gefahren. Er liegt fast am höchsten auf der Hongkong Insel. Man kann einen tollen Blick auf den Hongkong Hafen werfen. Dann bin ich mit dem Bus nach Hunghom gefahren, und ich habe die golden Toilette besucht. Leider habe ich nichts besonderes gefunden. Danach bin ich mit der Bahn von Hunghom nach Lam Tsuen gefahren. Ich habe die Tai Po Bahnstation verlassen, und bin dort in ein Taxi umgestiegen. In Lam Tsuen liegt ein grosser Baum, wo man Wünsche machen kann. Meine Gesundheit ist mir am wichtigsten. Geld finde ich auch sehr wichtig. Ich brauche unbedingt ein neues Handy. Hoppla, ich habe wirklich viele viele Wünsche. Zum Schluss hat mein Freund in Lam Tsuen mich abgeholt. Wir sind mit dem Auto nach Taikoo gefahren. Dort sind wir einige Stunden eisgelaufen und haben zu Abend gegessen. Das macht viel Spass! Tja, Thomas, so langsam schreibe ich diesen Brief zu Ende. Ich hoffe es hat dir etwas Freude gemacht diesen Brief zu lesen. Auf wiedersehen. Viele Grüße, Angie


Finally the Euro and the Pounds have gained back against the green, all in a sudden within a day. It reminds me of the Chinese saying "win a candy, lose a factory". Yet, there is still a long way before I can win a laptop... if I ever will... =p There was something wrong with the microwave oven today. It didn't stop. My first reaction was to switch off the electricity supply. Later someone discovered that I also cut the electricity for the fridge, and the microwave oven is functioning well. So what happened in the afternoon?! If everyone read the Spiegel, am I wrong for not writing a word about the rumour of the resignment of our dear Chief Executive?

Dienstag, März 08, 2005

The Gender Genie

Today I received an email from S from Sweden telling me that she's also learning German through blogging. When I browsed around her site, I found this fun stuff - The Gender Genie, which claims to be able to determine one's gender from one's written text. So I immediately pasted my *selected* blog writings "Scheiss Tag!!!". I thought that having so many computer terms, the Gender Genie would think that the author is a male. Indeed, the Gender Genie did decide the author to be a male, but the analysis was very different from what I've thought, they use those little words like "the", "some", "like" etc. for the analysis. It's a little bit long to explain. Try it yourself. =)

Montag, März 07, 2005

A fun start

Today I met 3 German tourists on the way to my school. I suspected quite early that they are from Germany, because I seem to have heard the man said "ach so", but the remaining of their dialogs was in English as I understood. Though their English accent sounded like my teacher's. When the woman approached me, she also spoke in English, and she didn't assume I can speak English either. The first question from her was, "do you speak English?". Then when I asked the woman on the bus, they indeed are from Germany. Unfortunately they took off the bus too early before I could give them some surprises. ;-) Anyway, today begins with something interesting. And when I told my skype friend... A: I met three Germans today, but they spoke to me in English... A: and they even wonder if I can speak English... =p M: in the net? A: nope, on the way to my school, at the bus stop. some tourists. M: hmmm stupid germans A: that's not my comment. =) A: bcos except the "ach so", their dialogs were in English, so I didn't realize they're from Germany... A: but anyway... work hard.... bis dann! M: beware no you are only allowed to curse HK people :)

Donnerstag, März 03, 2005

Scheiss Tag!!!

Finally the laptop can't even power on. The problem was much more difficult than I have conceived. Very initially, I was told the laptop can't boot from a USB CD-ROM, and it can't boot into the harddisk with an error message "operating system not found". At first, I supposed it can be a corrupted boot record or something, for which the problem can be solved softwarely. After lots of efforts, I successfully borrowed a USB floppy drive, and downloaded the WinXP start up disks (6 disks in total!!). The USB floppy drive and the disks are bootable at the laptop. However, applying fdisk gives the error with something like "No device is found". Then, it was determined that the BIOS can't detect the harddisk. The next question was how to determine if the harddisk is really broken. Having no idea, we tried to dissembled the machine and dug out the model of the HD, but then a terrible experience followed. With many difficulties we opened the laptop, and after we re-assembled it, it can't even be powered on. Something was short-circuited?! And it was my first time to hear "Scheisse..." in reality life since I learnt this word. No matter how many times I say sorry, this tragedy is irreversible. I do think I learnt alot, but I wasn't the one to pay for the cost in terms of $, though I do pay something else... I can't remember if I have said anything after I answered the question about the coming days' weather, and before the "sleep well" which suddenly sounded ironic. That night was cold, and left me awful memories and guilty feelings... :'-(