Montag, Januar 31, 2005


今日發生左兩樣好激氣既野... 第一樣: 我既 last try 個答案好似都有o的 information,但係同我一開始乜都唔理,一路係度等既結果一樣:繼續等啦! 原來 passive 同 proactive 都係冇分別... =p 幾多句 "Dear Angie" 同 "keep in touch" 都係好嬲!!! 其實係我捉佢陪我玩,定係我陪緊佢玩?! 不過如果我係佢,可能我都係咁。講 scheduling,我係一個 virtually 冇 deadline、 low utility、low priority 又 preemtable 既 job。講 bargaining power,除非我唔玩,如果唔係真係冇乜:個 demand 同 supply 太過懸殊。講 responsibility,呢個係一個 mutual agreement,冇obligations,除左人格冇任何承諾。從一個 rational 既角度黎諗,點樣計我都冇資格嬲。最重要係大家互相俾面... 算啦,我覺呢樣野我已經嬲完... 真係冇鬼用!!! 第二樣: 同 P 講左個幾鐘電話,唔會嬲完,對唔住我係好小氣既... =p 或者有人覺得食飯對住個電視機係冇問題?! 大家都勸我要從大局著想,我可以每日做我既底線... 但係我都接受唔倒自己可以假到去完全當冇野... "The biggest business in Philipines is corruption, but I don't care!" 幾型~

Sonntag, Januar 30, 2005


今日先發現原來我個新語言交互伙伴係讀 UST,唔係 HKU... 另一方面,last try,冇得勉強... 我覺得我今次都唔算 passive... 唔知係我諗得太多,所以覺得有o的問題,定係我自己太過敏感... 起碼當我同人地講,人地會覺得乜咁少野都煩... =p 希望真係冇野... 點解人地o的可以玩到咁勁 我個 "als Hobbys" 原全係唔同 level... =P

Freitag, Januar 28, 2005

Ich bin verwirrt

Ich frage mich: "Am I anticipating something which won't happen?" Last time I kept convincing myself not to put too much hope on it, I was trying hard to manage my expectation such that I won't feel too bad if our agreement was void. However, given I didn't turn it off, actually I didn't give it up. At the very last moment before I felt asleep, well, it actually happened. That said, I understand this time isn't quite comparable because there isn't a word of trust. On the other hand, I hope G is doing fine and healthy. I'm not sure what's going on now... The experiment about my birthday was sucessfully conducted. Except a few samples were pretty confident in their beliefs, a few were made skeptical, and others were misled. Unfortunately, the passive sample size is too small to draw any meaningful conclusions on the entire population. The experiment was set up to investigate: 1) My social relationships with the people around me. 2) The effectiveness of ICQ info, personal web page and blogs as a means of personal information dissemination. [to be continued]

Donnerstag, Januar 27, 2005

Meine Geburstag Wünsche

Ich wünsche A und B. [where A and B are dummy variables] =) Vielleicht eine mehr Wünsche. But again I should keep my expectation low.

Mittwoch, Januar 26, 2005

Was ich vermeisse..

Those were kind of silly and ad-hoc, but they sound respectable. I miss my oldself. Mit geht es gut ohne irgendein. Lass es geht und vergesse es.

Montag, Januar 24, 2005

Viele liebe Grüsse

I like irrelevant reponds given by typical passer-by(s). =) Einen lieben Gruß. Viele liebe Grüsse.

Sonntag, Januar 23, 2005


Heute habe wir die Geburstagfeier für J und mich gemacht. API+ AA + J + B + I war dort. P ist krank, vielleicht hat Durchfall gehabt. Im Windsor House 稻香 habe wir den "Heisskolf" gegessen. Wir habe auch viel an wie heiße die Verwandten uns unterhalten.

Samstag, Januar 22, 2005

Ich brauche Urlaub

I'm seriously thinking about going on a holiday. Around the Chinese new year would be a probable choice given there are 5 consecutive days of holidays. Yet, I doubt if this is feasible having the stuff from school. The next opportunity is the Easter, but since there are only 3 days of holidays, it may not be a good choice either. The last option is a back-pack trip to Europe with a friend in May. I would indeed like to join. Please somebody let me go...

Mittwoch, Januar 19, 2005


I did what I decided not to do the day before, kind of losing control of myself... I see this rather dangerous... It did help to clear up one of my confusions, yet it leaves me more. Don't fool me with polished wordings... I'm not good in literature. =p Sometimes I feel I treat a person like a toy, very much like the way of a child. Some funny snapshots and dialogs keep revolving in my mind. Maybe my memory is just too good for these silly stuff? Like I still remember when they talked about beer ping-pong, some Japanese dialogs, party on the roof, 'Brass' at the bar etc., even if all these happened six months ago. Perhaps my life is simply too dull which makes these silly stuff sound so special...

Dienstag, Januar 18, 2005

Keep my expectation low

If we are supposed to meet again, then we will. Although I am rather keen to know what is going on, just by sending a little email. I decided today I won't do so until the end of this month. Maybe I have expected too much again. Afterall, it is simply a random event with a random person that was triggered by my random action to deal with a random situation. =p

Samstag, Januar 15, 2005

Meeting A

So A is in HK again for a short while. Her Hainan Island trip sounds pretty terrible. My mum + me + her mum + A + A's sister had our lunch at 金滿庭. It's my first time to visit this restuarant, and my first time to see the legendary menu. We ordered quite a number of dishes, and we didn't expect her mum secretly paid the bill. I just owe A too much. I then accompanied them to go shopping at Times Square. I brought a pocket German dictionary at PageOne. They told me about the book series "The worst case scenario". I found I don't know the location of shops in CWB, not even PageOne. Then I remember K told me some years ago that it seems I am not living in HK. Maybe things in HK are really cheap comparing to those in Japan or U.S., they bought so many things. Then, we had desserts at "Xu Lau Shan" near Times Square again. It is my second time to visit this shop within this week, and the second time that I haven't brought the discount card. A said she hasn't been to "Xu Lau Shan" before. I was a little bit surprised, because we often visited the Fortress Hill shop aftering playing basketball while we were in BPS.

Donnerstag, Januar 13, 2005

Test + A1-4

I had a test at Olympics early in the morning. I got up a little bit late, fortunately I was there just on time. The diagramatic analysis part was rather difficult. Well... I don't really like sarcastic comments, but I should respect others' freedom of speech. At night, I was in my new German class again. I had a hard time catching up, although I have only skipped one 3-hour lesson last week. So much new stuff was covered.

Mittwoch, Januar 12, 2005

Meeting S and his new girlfriend

S is in HK again, although he has just been here a month ago. Originally we planned to have a dinner together, and he would tell me something about the German language reform. Unfortunately, I kind of hearing on the phone that his new girlfriend wasn't very happy about this. So, we just met for some half an hour at "Xu Lau Shan" near Times Square. His girlfriend was also there. To be frank, my impression about his girlfriend isn't nice at all. I concede I have a strong prejudice about a mainland woman, who speaks barely any English, appeared in a hotel, and works in Mongkok. But I haven't thought of telling S about this, I don't want to be involved in his personal affairs. So, all in a sudden, he switched to learning Mandarin. =p People are funny in some ways.

Was ich noch zu sagen...

I was rather suprised that he called me around 8am last Saturday, while I was sleeping in bed. Indeed he called me twice, but I don't know why he has hung off the phone in his second call before someone answered it. I postulate that he had something to tell, but then he changed his mind. Then I discovered his email, which he sent me around 11pm on Friday, and I replied something silly. He also sent me a reply in the afternoon. I imagine he has checked his mailbox at Saturday late night, but then he didn't find my email. I received his email again on Sunday around 11pm. That email revealed one of his motivations behind all these, the truth that can't be consealed. Actually, his purpose is quite clear even without this email. He did attempt to decorate his wordings with a piece of gift. At that moment I was so thought, and a little bit broken. So I was shocked by his call again in Monday afternoon, while I was at home, and actually preparing to visit CWB. I changed my destination, and there he was rather excited in telling me about the political stuff. I didn't show my interests, but I filled him with a missing part of the story. Perhaps I had better not done so... Anyway, I would rather believe this is not his only intention, and I really (maybe naively) believe so.

Montag, Januar 10, 2005


Meine aufgabe ist fertig. Ich bin jetzt sehr müde. Weiß ich nicht was habe ich im letzten Woch gemacht. Aber ich denke, dass ich etwas gemacht habe. Das ist genung. Ich habe im letzten Woch wenige geschläft, und nicht Freunden getroffen. Außerdem, ich gehe nicht meinen ersten lektion für dem A1-4 Kurs. Probably it's not going to pay off nor pay back. Anyway...

Mittwoch, Januar 05, 2005

USD rallies vs. Euro + Pounds

The lesson I learnt: Things change even at the very last minute, and it is the very last minute that decides the outcomes. What was perceived as "very unlikely" could suddenly turn into reality, without requiring to have a reason. Maybe I am just a part of a destined story.

Sonntag, Januar 02, 2005

Bicycle ride at Shatin

Given up bicycle ride at Shatin. Continue to continue to work...

Samstag, Januar 01, 2005

New Year Dinner

Given up new year dinner at World Trade Center. Continue to work... Ate two chicken pies as dinner + what they brought back at 11pm.