Freitag, Dezember 31, 2004

Count down

Given up hot pot at C's flat + count down at CWB. "Guten Rrutsch" by working...

Montag, Dezember 27, 2004

Commercial Press

I want to buy a new dictionary using my Commercial Press coupon. It's my second time at the Kornhill branch, but I still can't get the one I want. I wonder if I could ever get it there. I guess I better visit PageOne.

Sonntag, Dezember 26, 2004


They went to BBQ at Parker Mountain. I didn't go though. I didn't really work at home either. What have I done?

Samstag, Dezember 25, 2004

Family X'mas gathering

Watched Monsters, Inc. and Spiderman 2 German version in the morning. I can bearly understand any German. We had 5 tables for my family annual gathering at a Chinese restaurant at Admiralty. I really feel my family is real big. Actually I can't recognize all of my relatives... =p Had some games: mahjong match, mahjong related games, bing-bang-wah, bingo, lucky draw etc. It's a typical family gathering I'd comment.

Freitag, Dezember 24, 2004

Kanji's flat visit

Visit K's flat today. Cousin M + Yuen + Kowk + Chung + me were there. Cousin M and Chung are secondary schoolmates. =p His flat has many japanese decorations. No wonder he called Kanji... We had spagatti, sushi, pizza, salad, KFC etc for dinner. We played UNO, Big 2, Jangar Extreme, and Chinese checker. Lost Jangar matches twice, and drunk one cup of salt + sugar water mixture, and ate a piece of Tabasco sushi...

Donnerstag, Dezember 23, 2004

Ivy's B'day dinner

We had Ning Bo dishes at Central: 寧波旅港同鄉會 中環德己立街12 號業豐大廈401-405 Ning Bo Resturant @Central Posted by Hello I+P+A+A+P+I+B were present. We gathered at the MTR station first, but none of us was sure about the gathering point. The dishes were like Shanghai ones. I don't really know their differences, if any. Given the environment and dishes, es ist vielleicht einige teuer. Had a lot of IQ questions. Including: (1) Chocolate (2) 6, 5, 4, 1 => 24 (3) Locker Okay, I confess I am stupid. =p

Samstag, Dezember 18, 2004

Visitors in January

05 Jan: S is visiting for 2 weeks. 14 Jan: A is visiting for 2-3 days, but she's not staying in my flat. ?? Jan: B is visiting for 2 months. Hm... I have an instinct that something special is going to happen, in January. I just don't know what it is yet. I'm looking forward to the coming of January. On the other hand, my impression about S is correct, I would say. To me, this is understandable. I sincerely wish them felicity.

Freitag, Dezember 17, 2004


偶然o係電台聽到既一句野: "快樂不是做自己喜歡做的事,是喜歡做自己正在做的事。" 覺得呢句野有佢既道理,但係可能我唔係咁諗,所以聽完唔覺得呢句野好快樂... =p

Dienstag, Dezember 14, 2004

At a trough...

After depleting SM's whole box of tissue the last last summer, I depleted C's another half a box today. =p I feel I have taken up a callous attitude towards this issue since a long time ago, but then it doesn't mean I don't feel bad. Anyway, someday it will be over. Don't drag on this.

Montag, Dezember 13, 2004

A1-3 ist beendet

Mein dritte Deutschkurs ist beendet. Im Januar werde ich ein neuen Kurs besuchen. Dannach habe ich eine deutsche Prüfung. T is very mean in giving out grades: 2-3. Aber er notiziert, dass mein Deutsch ein wenig besser geworden ist.

Samstag, Dezember 11, 2004

A visit to M's flat

Our celebration Posted by Hello We travelled to Mongkok together by the MTR at around 2:15 pm. We walked all the way through Yau Ma Tei, and entered two Park'n Shop to buy the ingredients for our dinner. It was 4:30 pm when we arrived at M's flat. We took graduation photos with D at the recreational area around M's flat. There was a cute little boy riding an electronic bike starring at us. =p Our dinner Posted by Hello C's bf K was responsible for cooking the dinner, while we were playing mah jong. K and D were the most knowledgable of us in cooking. I ate a 10-fan in the first match, and continued to win. The dinner was for celebrating the return of M. We had:
  • Pan-fried steak with A1 sauce
  • Pan-fried fish fillet
  • Pan-fried chicken wings with honey
  • Baked broccoli and mushroom with cheese
  • Spagetti with cream & mushroom sauce
  • Champagne

The Victoria habor Posted by Hello The night view at M's flat looks incredible. This is the highest residential flat which I have ever been.

Freitag, Dezember 10, 2004

Dinner with Carmen

Had a meeting at 9:30am. I had dinner with Carmen at TST tonight. It's been half an year since I met her last time. Because of her work, she came a bit late, and I went to Citysuper. There was a Japanese version of Lemon Pepsi together with a Snoopy bell, but I can control myself this time not to buy it. =p We had dinner at a Japanese restaurant. It was a little bit expensive, maybe we ordered too much food. I had stomach pain again. This happens consistently whenever I have my dinner after 9pm. I just feel I am not so healthy recently. I received my GRE score tonight. The verbal part score was disasterous.

Donnerstag, Dezember 09, 2004

Start Deutsch Sample Test

Knew who is Ulrike Neubert. By the way, I also knew who's Natalia Obenauer this Monday. Ulrike looks sooooo cool. The listening part of the sample test was rather difficult. But for the parts which I have done, I could get 80-90% correct. And after viewing the funny oral section video demonstration, I think it's very difficult to fail the test. =p

Mittwoch, Dezember 08, 2004

Typing crisis

Spent half an hour before I found out how to type ü with pinyin input. Haven't figured out how to type angle brackets <> using a U.S. keyboard with German keyboard remapping. Where is the mapping for the extra key?! Please let me know if you know how. Where is the mapping for the extra key next to 'Y' in a U.S. keyboard? Posted by Hello

Sonntag, Dezember 05, 2004

Zeit zu arbeiten

我覺得我已經唔係好控制倒自己諗乜,每日只係不停咁諗,諗到我做唔倒野。雖然我冇話訓唔著覺... 原本諗好似本 Themen arktuell 講咁: "Schreiben Sie Ihre Probleme auf. Sie stehen dann auf dem Papier und stören nicht Ihren Schlaf." 但係我而家寫左一半,只有將我唔記得o個o的都諗返,記得o個o的仲愈諗愈清楚,點樣先可以暫時唔駛諗? Es ist zeit für mich zu arbeiten. Dezember ist ein arbeit Monat.

Samstag, Dezember 04, 2004


今日識多左個奧地利人,再加之前識既德國人同埋瑞士人,好似集齊左一套咁... =p

Donnerstag, Dezember 02, 2004


My glasses were broken suddenly at night today. I had to search the spare one at night at my old flat, which made me go bed late. No more replies. Our connection is much more fragile than I supposed. [Well, I got a reply later, maybe it's not as fragile as I supposed. =p] When I saw the CD and the beer mug at home, I just wonder how these little stuff come across and stay with me. She said, "We should always keep ourselves in a perfect state, for you are going to meet someone random just once in your life. The first impression, will be the final impression which someone has on you, if someone ever remembers."

Mittwoch, Dezember 01, 2004


非常不滿... 但係我唔會拎人黎發脾氣既!! =P 因為我信o個個理論... 琴日有人同我講:有o的野發生左之後永遠都唔會一樣,所以做每個決定之前都要諗清楚。