Sonntag, Juli 30, 2006

Der Besuch von Rebekka

My ex-floormate bought a set of Mahjong from eBay, and today she brought this set from Freiburg to Tübingen with her. I invited also Makus and Kumiko to come. I made a dessert, Markus brought some drinks, and Kumiko brought a Pizza. It was on sunday evening, none of us had any food at home. We had only biscuits to fill our stomachs. (Due to this experience, I will never hold any party on Sunday again :p) Rainbow and Mahjong So Rebekka and Markus learnt how to play Mahjong. Kumiko played until 1 or 2am, and there was no bus home. Rebekka brought her own sleeping bed, and Marco has lent his bed to me. 3 persons all together stayed in my small room. It looked kind of funny. :p 2 friends stayed overnight in my small room. It is a record :p Posted by Picasa

Freitag, Juli 28, 2006


今日淨係記得去燒野食,唔記得要去上堂測驗,唔知個先生准唔准我補測... 去左 Markus 屋企,佢個區係好清靜,人人都有花園。但係間屋冇廚房,又冇暖氣,我都係比較中意住現代化既地方... Gillen im Garten bei Markus Posted by Picasa

Donnerstag, Juli 27, 2006

IK Abschlussparty

IK Abschlussparty: Games and group photo Posted by Picasa

一個 sms

朝早七點我 send 俾 Daniel 既 SMS: Entschuldigung, ich komme heute nicht, denn ich bin zu spät. Ich dank dir, mir rudern beizubringen, obwohl ich keine kluge lernerin bin. Viel Spaß noch! Angie 夜晚十一點收倒 Daniel 既 SMS, 佢話: "Hallo Angie! Morgen, Do, 18h: Ruderabschlußfest am Boothaus, vielleicht klappts da? *Technisch bist du inzischen gut, ruder weiter wenn es dir Spaß macht!* Gruß, Daniel" 哈哈,如果我真係因為佢呢句野,走去參加暑期班,佢仲會唔會咁講? :p

Sonntag, Juli 23, 2006


Today we went to Heidelberg with Kumiko's mitbewohneren. The train was cancelled during our journey, and we waited for some one hour in a small town. It was already 2pm when we arrived in Heidelberg. Sonya's Professor was there as our tour guide. Kumiko, Sonja, Dira, und Fumi We visited the Schloss and a few churches in the city. The scene at the Neckar with the Schloss was beautiful, I do not deny why it makes Heidelberg so famous. But to me, I actually like the feeling of in Freiburg a bit more. :p Der Schloss und die alte Brüke in Heidelberg am Neckar Posted by Picasa

Donnerstag, Juli 20, 2006


划得好差!! 同埋炭槳難好多,唔知點解隻艇好似會反咁!! 今日係四人艇,其實已經易過單人。我諗個先生一見倒我黎上堂就頭痛... :D 大概我都係唔好去個 excursion,我驚會跌落水... Daniel said, "The Neckar water has returned to drinkable quality in recent years" Posted by Picasa

Mittwoch, Juli 19, 2006


都係同一個地方,不過今次係 farewell party。冇見兩三個月,人事幾翻新... 最唔明係點解巴西哥哥會搭上美國姐姐,對我黎講,唯一解釋係佢想移民... :x The people at the farewell party Each of us received a bunch of Brasilian sovenier, and BECKS: chilled orange Posted by Picasa

Montag, Juli 17, 2006

I'm involved in an IETF draft :)

My name on an IETF internet draft:
Furthermore, the authors would like to thank *Angie So*. By providing the first running prototype of the Metering NSLP, she gave us a helpful feedback for the protocol specification.
I think this is almost my only academic progress this semester, given I spent a lot of time on other activities... :p

Samstag, Juli 15, 2006

Job Number: G0606163

o係香港,做一個 fresh grad programmer 俾盡都係 20k;去 Goethe 做個 admin (唔係話份工唔駛腦,不過都應該冇 programmer 咁 demanding),咁就有 26k。 我係度諗,如果我申請,佢又請我,咁我做唔做好呢?! 自問我o的德文係差,不過絶對夠打抵 HKU o的德文系同 Goethe 既學生... >:p 再誇張o的,如果有人俾 100k 我去 McDonald 賣包,咁我又做唔做呢? 睇完 department 個 news,感覺就係:香港係一個理想o既工作地方嗎? :p 另一發現: 呢間 Magma Design Automation, Inc 就係之前吞左 Fortis o個間野。咁就可能解釋倒點解佢地會冇啦啦o係香港請人:可能同 A 有關係。真係複雜!! ============================= Job Number: G0606163 Employer : Goethe-Institut Hongkong (020735) Employ Mode: Graduate Full Time Job (G) Position Offered: Language Course Administrator/ Sachbearbeitung Sprachkurse Salary: HK$ 26000 Per Month (M) Closing Date: 14/7/2006 Occupation: Occupations not elsewhere classified (9100) Job Starting Date: 15/8/2006 Vacancies: 1 Year of Experience Required: (NIL) Job Description: -Enrolment for language courses and tests -Related administrative tasks (SAP) -Providing information and advice to clients -Support of marketing activities Other benefits: (NIL) Study Fields: Any Award Level: Diploma (DIP) Other Req.: -University diploma -Strong written and verbal communications skills in English and Cantonese -Knowledge of German (minimum level B1) is required -Excellent interpersonal skills -Ability to work under tight schedules and independently

Freitag, Juli 14, 2006

BW-Stipendium Jahrestreffen

Did not see MP Öttinger because I had lessons. At first I thought the protest was against the idea of a scholarship, but then I found out it is about the university fee of 500€ starting Summer semester 2006/07. This protest was big enough to appear also on the local newspaper. The entrance + on the stage with a student demonstrating his project Demonstration banner: Kapäzitätsberechnung - jetzt schaicht's Posted by Picasa

Mittwoch, Juli 12, 2006

Erbeeren-kuchen@Frau Guhl

Visited Frau Guhl with Weihsuan for Straw Berry cake making in an almost instant way LOL: Strawberry cakes and coffee: typical german's At the balcony with Guhl and Weihsuan Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, Juli 09, 2006

Germany vs. Portugal@Stuttgart

FRINGS Torsten at hotel window Crowds are everywhere on the streets with a TV and at Schlossplatz Posted by Picasa

Samstag, Juli 08, 2006

Stuttgart Volunteer Last Day

Karoline, Myriam, me + Bayerische Schweinshaxe u. Meerrettich Posted by Picasa It was the last day of volunteer work at Stuttgart Airport, for the match of Germany against Portugal, of course there wasn't much to do... Don't ask me why I had Bayern food in Baden-Württemberg. The Meerretich is a strange vegetable, which against its name, doesn't grow in the sea, and it tasted to me like Mustard/Wasabi

Donnerstag, Juli 06, 2006

Campus Challenge@Frankfurt

Campus Kronberg, Accenture Headquarter in Germany Proposals + Stuttgart team: Alex, me, (Nils is missing) & Accenture guy Posted by Picasa