Dienstag, November 30, 2004

Ich verstehe nicht...

M is back to HK. She ICQ me this morning. =) Heard from my German class classmate that a guy in HKU was caught for beating his gf. He was in the court this morning as a witness. A SingTao reporter called him to gather information for news reporting. Ich verstehe nicht, besonders die Studentin. =p Finally, I learnt "Perfekt" tense in my German class today. One piece of fun (or moliu) stuff: http://www.livejournal.com/users/cariel/39732.html#cutid1 Taught by Moritz: Wie kann mann Freunde anrufen?
  • Wenn dich jemand anruft, sag einfach deinen Namen: "Schwenke" (der Nachname) oder nur "Hallo!"
  • Wenn du jemanden anrufst, sag: "Hallo hier spricht Angie. Kann ich mit Moritz sprechen?" oder "Hallo ich bin es, Angie."

Zum beispiel:

M: Hallo! (oder "Schwenke.") A: Hallo, hier spricht Angie, Kann ich mit Moritz sprechen? M: Ja, hier spricht Moritz (oder "Ja, ich bin dran."). Wie geht's? A: Gut. Danke. Und dir? M: Danke, auch gut. A: Hast Du am Samstag Abend Zeit? Ich möchte mit dir Abendessen gehen...

Montag, November 29, 2004

Hausaufgabe: Geht es Ihnen nicht gut?

S: Guten Tag Frau Doktor. D: Guten Tag Herr Schulz. Was ist denn los? S: Mein Hals tut so weh, und ich möchte nicht sprechen. Ich habe auch Kopfschmenzen und vielleicht Fieber. D: Wie lange haben tut ihr Hals schön weh? S: Ich glaube, seit Vorgestern. D: Und was machen Sie dagegen? S: Ich nehme Hustenbonbons, aber mein Hals tut noch weh, besonders in der Nacht. D: Ach so. Sie haben erkältet. Nehmem Sie jeden Morgen und Abend Tabletten. Also, trinken Sie doch mehr Wasser oder Kamillentee. Sie müssen zu Haus im Bett bleiben, und Sie sollen wenig Arbeiten. S: Danke. Dann kann ich morgen Abend schwimmen gehen? D: Nein, leider nicht. Sie brauchen jetzt unbedingt Ruhe. S: Ich weiß. Danke. D: Schön. Dann schreibe ich hier ein Medikament auf. Das bekommen Sie in der Apotheke. Gute Besserung, Herr Schulz. S: Vielen Dank, Frau Doktor. Tschüss. D: Tschüss.

Sonntag, November 28, 2004

I got a mic now

My relative's relative has passed away. We also know him in person, so we haven't visited a Chinese tea-house in the morning this sunday. After having two language exchanges with J without a mic, I finally bought one yesterday very late at night. Since many stores were closed, I had no choice but a cheap one which my mam queried if it would work. =p I don't get used to speaking by facing a computer screen. B and S said I pronouce the German 'r' like the English 'r'. But J said I can't enunciate the English 'r' correctly, and also 'd', 'h', and 'w'. The hints given were:

  • "'r' is pronounced 'ahr', like you gurgle when you're angry, but you are saying 'ou'"
  • "You are saying 'd' like 'b', that isn't correct. It 's more like 't', say diamond"
  • "'h' is pronounced like 'äch', you were pronouncing it like 'häch'"
  • "And say 'u', now 'w'=uu. This' how the sound of this alphabet comes from"

Practice, practice, practice... =p

My class teacher in F.6 & F.7 in BPS. Posted by Hello

Freitag, November 26, 2004

Anonymous calls

S hasn't called me again today, as expected. Or I just couldn't receive his calls? My mum said there were 3 anonymous calls today. She has answered one of them, it was a weird woman calling me in my Chinese name, so she says. Another 2 calls can be that woman, can be S, can be someone else. Maybe I just couldn't receive phone calls in my office. I feel terribly sorry if this leaves any unpresent memory for his HK visit. This is not my intention. Anyway, I know it *will* be fine. Hopefully, he will call me again tomorrow, though I don't think this' likely.

Donnerstag, November 25, 2004


我今日都冇聽到佢電話,我諗佢可能會有o的誤會... 但係佢打黎個時我真係唔方便聽... 因為佢冇覆我 email,我諗佢可能 check 唔倒... 但係我諗如果佢返德國o個時見倒我封 email,應該唔會嬲我掛?其實我已經準備好一堆問題問佢... 不過感覺上我地唔會再見... 我唔覺得佢聽日會再打黎... 另一方面,我諗我阿媽都有o的誤會。一大鑊泡,救命... 長遠黎講,一定要搵個辦法解決左呢個問題,因為一月o個時呢個問題又會出現... (雖然一定唔會好似今次咁麻煩) 其實我已經講左俾我老豆知,不過一睇佢個反應就知到佢接受唔倒;咁我諗阿媽就更加唔駛講... 我發現原來我係原全冇私人空間,只係一樣少少既野都收唔埋... 定係我既處理方法有問題?我而家諗緊我係咪應該求祈作樣野,跟住俾埋佢地知?

Mittwoch, November 24, 2004


諗起 Beta 前日食飯講o個句。我聽完之後其實諗起一堆野,不過我覺得o個個時候我唔講野會比較好... =p 我覺得o個句野又唔o岩得晒,因為有個 counter example. 個分別係,佢會:

  1. 讓我坐 sofa。如果有野阻住,會同我搬走
  2. 問我想食乜,之後同我叫埋
  3. 問我想唔想試佢碟野,或者俾左我鐘意食既野我 [雖然我係唔會食]
  4. 叫 "唔該,埋單!",同埋爭俾錢
  5. 開門
  6. 拎野
  7. 講錯野之後補鑊
  8. 講 "take care"
  9. 對人人都咁好 [我地係普通朋友]

[但係自問我都對佢好好:可以幫倒既我都幫左] 我唔知佢算唔算係好 extreme。 我覺得我從來都冇咁高要求,亦都唔會期望個個人都係咁。不過連我咁冇記性,都會好印象深刻。我而家都好努力咁學緊點樣可以好似佢咁勁... 後記: 跟住再諗起老細 A 以前o係 Delifrance 問我飲乜野,買埋,出去挌飲管... 完全覺得我受唔起... =p

P&G Aptitude Test @PolyU

Went to Poly U this morning for a test. Came across Jenny. Sent S an email this morning. I couldn't reach him yet. Any more gatherings? Today, T added me in ICQ. I thought he was seeking a language exchange, but then he told me he doesn't speak English. =p I was forced to write everything in German. Very difficult. I haven't much idea why he added me in the first place. "Ich denke Du kommst aus Deutschland" war was er sagt. I got a voice message from "Ricky Chan", without leaving any reasons for calling. I hope he hasn't expected me to call him back. =p

Dienstag, November 23, 2004

Ich bin krank

I had a meeting early in the morning. In the late afternoon, I felt very sick. Ich habe Kopfschmenzen, vielleicht Fieber, and felt nauseous. My swimming class was thus cancelled. I feel terribly sorry about my frequent absence, which may cause inconvenience to my coach. B has left today. I will keep on learning German by myself in the meanwhile.

Sonntag, November 21, 2004

Language exchange S1

I spent the whole afternoon debugging my over-under-flow routine. Finally, I can get all the answers correct for frame 14. But I haven't tested it with other frames. Had dinner with S tonight at Watami Times Square. He bought me a gift, so I treated him a dinner. He sounds also a nice person. We then went to the Starbucks at Hyson Road. I find the environment there was very comfortable, much better than the Times Square store. Well... he asked me a bunch of questions in German in a normal speed, I was just too slow to understand his questions and to response. Again, I couldn't get the 'r' sound correct. Maybe I'll never do with my Cantonese accent. =p I learnt how to speak what I wanted to say: "Du kannst mit der MTR nach Taikoo fahren, und ich werde dich am Ausgang C abholen."

Samstag, November 20, 2004


I was at school for the whole day to deal with the overflow and underflow problem. I've implemented something that can solve *some* crazy numbers now, and tested that my calculation was correct by comparing the answer given by the MS calculator. =p Unfortunately, when I ran the program, there were *other* crazy numbers that underflew. So I'm going to spend this Sunday to continue this. What a Sunday. I feel it very annoying for having to deal continuously with confidential and invention agreements. Hey! I'm just a tiny potato working there for 3 months LAST YEAR. How come I'm still asked to sign a different version of CIA? One digital copy, plus two hard copies!!! Will meet S tomorrow for language exchange, at least this is my purpose. To my surprise, he doesn't know where Times Square is, given he said he's a frequent HK traveller. Undeniably, he speaks German though. =p I'm not sure if I have made the right decision. I just feel I need more experience to learn how to judge a person under an information deficit condition (At best, this is gambling =p). I hope it won't turn out something bad...

Freitag, November 19, 2004

Annie's B-day Dinner

It's Annie's B-day dinner, I + A + A + P + P + J gathered at TST. We were unable to locate the Taiwanese restaurant, so we went to a ChiuChow restaurant instead. I guess the dishes were okay? I can't really tell though, because I don't feel having an appetite these days . Updated a little bit on what everyone's doing. To be frank, I was a little bit disappointed about the idea of 'treating' equals to 'paying'. On the other hand, I admited it's my fault of keep postponing. Anyway, I shouldn't carvil...

Donnerstag, November 18, 2004

Alles Gute

My language exchange partner wrote me today that he's going to leave next Tuesday. I knew this since I met him, and it's not something out of a sudden. Given I'm well prepared for this fact, and he's coming here again in January, I still feel a little bit sad (or just a reflex emotion when you heard a friend's leaving). I've thought before that my purpose of studying at Goethe, in terms of destiny, is to refer him to teach there. Unfortunately, this hope hasn't panned out. I doubt if I was helping or making more disappointments.

Mittwoch, November 17, 2004

Disk Quota

Dear [my name], We cannot grant the large disk quota to students as the file system is severing over thousand of computer accounts. -- support ======================== Dear Support, How about applying for an external harddisk, or reducing the requested disk quota? Thank you very much. [A] ======================== How large is the hard disk of your computer? -- support ======================== Dear support, The capacity of my hask disk is 29.2 GBThe free space is 3.16 GB, without storing any files irrelvant to my research work. Since many images will be generated from the experiement, it is expected that the free space will be filled up. Thanks alot. [A] ======================== We don't have exteranl HD. Does your computer has extra space to addinternal one. If not, the one you're using need to be replaced. Is a 40GB good enough? -- support ======================== Dear [W], Her PC is to be a GX260/270, please check for her if there is 7-8GB free space left unused. [A], are you in HW3X7? Regards, [P] ======================== Dear Support, I'm in HW3X7. Many thanks. [A] ======================== [W] solved the problem. ======================== Dear Supports, The 7G has been reclaimed. Thank you very much indeed for your help. Best, [A] ******************************* Thoughts: Maybe I should consider sending P a thank you card when I graduate...

Sonntag, November 14, 2004

Deutsch Übenzeit

Hallo S,

Schön, von Ihnen [akk] zu hören. Mein Name [r] ist Angie, und ich bin 23 Jahre alt. Ich bin eine Computer Science Studentin [e] aus Hong Kong. Ich spreche Cantonesisch, Mandarin, und Englisch. Jetzt lerne ich Deutsch für drei Monaten im [dav] Goethe Institut HK [r]. Das ist meine Hobby [e]. Ich reise auch gerne, aber ich habe niemals Deutschland besucht. Ich verstehe ein bisschen Deutsch, und ich habe einen Sprachpartner [r] aus die Schweiz [e]. Ich möchte bald gut Deutsch sprechen.

Warum besuchen Sie HK?

Viele Grüße, Angie

Samstag, November 13, 2004

Phrase of the week...

"If you like", by different people... 1) If you like you can come up to my new place. 2) I could help you practice German pronunciation, if you like. 3) Wenn Du magst, Du kannst für die nächste Sprachen üben einmal meine Wohnung besuchen.

GRE subject test

Got up at 6:30 am and travelled to City Uni by MTR. The instruction for the test location was *extremely* unclear. We were pointed to the Academic Exchange Building on the admission ticket. But when we were there, there was another sign pointing us to the Academic Building. We registered outside lecture theater 4, and then had our exams at theater 15, which is on the other end of the building... We (S + B+ me) had lunch at the Foodcourt of Festival Walk, because City Uni was having their graduation ceremony, the mall was very crowd. I received a distanced call from my mum when I was travelling home, rather surprised. I spent the remaining of the day sleeping, revising languages, and replying emails.

Freitag, November 12, 2004

Out of Randomness

The first email: Hallo Maize, ich würde dich gerne treffen. Viele Grüße Christoph ======================= The second email: Hallo Christoph, ich würde auch dich gerne treffen. =) Später, Maize ======================= The third email: Hallo Maize, ich habe Nachmittags, Abends und am Wochenende Zeit. Meine Handy-Nr. ist **** ** ** ***, meine Telefonnummer soll ja Glück bringen:). Viele Grüße Christoph ======================= The forth email: Hallo Christoph, Leider ich wohne jetzt in Hong Kong! =p Tromdemz hoffe ich dich einen Sprachepartner bald suchen. Viele Grüße Maize ======================= The fifth email, probably the last: Hallo Maize, schade, hatte gehofft dich kennenzulernen. Vielleicht kommst du ja noch einmal nach Deutschland. Ich wünsche für dich und deiner Familie alles Glück auf Erden. Viele Grüße Christoph

Montag, November 08, 2004

Meine Traumwohnung

Meine Traumwohnung [e] liegt in Repulse Bay, und ist im [dat] höchoten Stock [r] vom Gebäude. Sie liegt ruhig aber ziemlich günstig, wenn man ein Auto [r] hat. Sie hat vier Zimmer [s], ein [akk] Gästezimmer [s] mit WC, eine [akk] Küche [e], zwei Bäder [pl], einen [akk] Hobbyraum [r], einen [akk] Keller [r], und einen [akk] Balkon [r]. Das [nom] Wohnzimmer [s] ist sehr groß und hell. Der [nom] Fernseher [r] ist praktisch. Ich sehe gern in der [dav] Wonche Abends [pl]fern. Das Esszimmer [s] hat einen [akk] Glastisch [r] und vier Stühle [pl]. Ich kann dort Freunde [pl] treffen und essen. Mein Bruder [r] und ich möchten beide ein Bad [s] haben, sodass wir lange Duschen [pl] können. Der [nom] Hobbyraum [r] hat einen [akk] Flügel [r], und ich kann in meiner [dav] Freizeit [e] klavier spielen. Ich liebe die [akk] Klavierestücke [e] von Schubert. Mein Schlafzimmer [s] ist groß. Ich möchte ein [akk] Großenbett [s] für mich selbst haben. Der [nom] Balkon [r] ist sehr bequem, mit einem [akk] schönen [akk] Blick [r] von Repulse Bay. Ich kann jeden Morgen in der [dav] Bucht [e] schwimmen. Ich bin zufrieden mit meiner [akk] Traumwohnung [e]. Meine Traumwohnung Posted by Hello

Samstag, November 06, 2004

Langauge exchange B2

I agreed on the phone something which I shouldn't have agreed, fortunately nothing bad turned out. =) I dined with B in a HK-style "tea-restaurant". I had problem explaining to him what's on the menu, and discovered the English menu offered way fewer selections. He finished much earlier than me, and told he used to wait for his grandma at home... well... =p A kind lady showed us the direction to the "Moon Kay" dessert store. I was asked if I understand "Das Gute" at Western Market. Wen Wu Temple @ Hollywood Road Posted by Hello B laughed at me for NOT having visited before the neighborhood of Wen-wu Temple. He said he would avoid walking pass this temple in the morning, because many tourists asked him for directions, but I was puzzled why some tourists would choose to ask him. =p His flat was located at an old Chinese building, but the interior looked like displays on IKEA catalogs: it was very tidy and has harmonious furniture colors. I solved an email problem after having desserts. =) Language exchange and casual chats 1) $27 Mandarin-German dictionary at CWB + German-speaking salesperson. 2) The meaning of burning incents. 3) Hotels in South-east Asia and India. 4) Italian coffee mug(?) and coffee making. It was a plain simple day, but I had fun.


今日收到 Irene o既 email,有少少意外:因為自從上次我寄左 NYC o的相俾佢,佢覆左我幾句野,大家就冇聯絡。但係佢話佢 send 左幾封 email 俾我,唔知點解我冇覆,咁我都唔知點解我收唔倒。不過是但啦,知唔知點解都冇乜所謂... Irene 係我去 NYC 唐人街報團去 DC o個時既團友,因為我地兩個都係一個人自己 join 團,又差唔多大,所以會熟。佢話佢以前o係緬甸讀書個時,讀左兩間大學都笠左,所以過左 LA... 佢學左少少廣東話。佢話佢唔識廣東話o個時,唐人街間麵包鋪唔肯賣麵包俾佢。我諗一個人過去生活都唔係咁易... [本來可能會同佢同房,但係我加左 45 蚊自己一間房。其實o係o的鄉下地方,一個人一間房都幾驚,不過我又冇話訓唔著。之後去到 Empire State,發現 50 蚊可以買倒隻紀念版 swatch,非常後悔用左o個 45 蚊換左一晚既安全感] 有時我會覺得好得意,點解大家住咁遠,唔係好同既兩個人都會撞倒。我亦都唔係好明,點解我會o係香港識個係度逗留幾個月,可以教我德文既人。仲有點解我坐 40 號,會成日撞到個幾肥既女人,次次o係度食麵包... =P 唔...

Mittwoch, November 03, 2004

Shirley Temple

Before my discussion with G, "Shirley Temple" was to me the name of a non-alcoholic drink which costs HK$80 at a Mexican bar at Times Square. The point is it tasted a bit like Sprite, and I felt cheated. Shirley Temple Reciepe: - 1 glass Ginger Ale: a sweetened carbonated nonalcoholic beverage flavored mainly with ginger extract - 1 dash Grenadine: a syrup flavored with pomegranates and used in mixed drinks
Shirley Temple: a beverage named after the actress of Heidi Posted by Hello

When I disscussed with G what sexy Heidis are, he told me Shirley Temple is the name of the actress of Heidi. So now I learnt the full-story.

ICQ info

Someone else's ICQ info: "Ich bin ein 酳絽rst seltenes Exemplar eines vegan lebenden Metal-Fans. Ich interessiere mich f philosophische Diskurse und wde vor allem gerne Leute aus Greater Manchester, besonders Wirral, Prenton kennenlernen, da ich dort 8 Monate arbeiten werde. Vielleicht kann man mir ja sagen, was die Gegend so bietet. Hier in Deutschland bin ich aktiv im Tierrecht t酹ig . In meiner Freizeit schreibe ich gerne Song-Texte und lese viel." I dunno how to fill in the missing words YET. =p

Montag, November 01, 2004

Not to be a doubter, but...

I always remind myself of what G adviced: "What's the harm if you are going to meet him in a public place? Even knowing a person in person can be sometimes misleading. Maybe he's handsome, he's rich... just don't leave a trail." "It's okay to be a bit untrusting."