Donnerstag, August 31, 2006

Hongjungs Abschiedparty

Today was Hongjung's farewell party. We had a lot of alcohols: red, white, martini, beers etc. I really have an impression Japanese drink alot, although they deny. :p The party was like an asian country interflow. We had also a very sophisticated combination of people: 2 philosophy students, 3 theology, 1 German history with her doctor thesis topic "religion freedom". I am always the odd. :D Somehow we turned to discuss about the meaning of life. I don't really know why, but this chat topic comes up to me very often recently. :p Peter (at balcony), Hiroki, Hongjung, Joseph, Kumiko, Fumi, me (holding camera) Posted by Picasa Fumi told me two of my friends are all in a sudden together. By "sudden", I mean they have met only for 1 time as I know (maybe they have exchanged a few emails), and the girl is going back to Japan. To me it is a myth. :p My response was, "es gibt kein Problem, ich bin nur überrascht." She is from Tokyo Uni, so I suppose she is smart enough to know her way?

Mittwoch, August 30, 2006

Chinesisches Essen

Invited two friends for a "typical" chinese dinner. I have no idea how to cook any typical Chinese food though. I think my way of cooking is typical HK style: "simple and fast". :p Weihsuan und Frau Guhl Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, August 27, 2006

Paris (Day 3)

The so called 3-stars hotel + Sacre Cour French Bagette + Tour bus Posted by Picasa

Samstag, August 26, 2006

Paris (Day 2)

Luvre Eiffel Tower and Mussels at Quadrita Latein Posted by Picasa

Freitag, August 25, 2006

Paris (Day 1)

Der Eiffel Turm und De Arc de Trumphe(?) The night view of Paris + our "dinner" Posted by Picasa

Montag, August 21, 2006

Chinesische Fondue

Today I hosted a party at my kitchen with Chinese hot-pot and mahjong playing. 8 people came. (Left to right, all photos) Kumiko, Min-guang, Shin-hua, Guang, me, Markus, Chihiro (Bottom right) all the bottles on my window bench after 2-3 parties :p Posted by Picasa

Samstag, August 19, 2006

Schloss Neuschwanstein

Die Alpsee und der Schloss Neuschwanstein in Füssen Yuki, Guang, Fumi, me + rowing a boat in Alpsee Posted by Picasa

Freitag, August 18, 2006


Today was the last lesson for my German class at the VHS. We had an excursion to Bebenhausen. The audio guide at the Monastery is very well designed, but the Schloss was a little bit too small to be interesting. Kloster und Schloss Bebenhausen We had a picnic on the grass. The weather looked so nice, and it is difficult to believe that it rained the whole morning. My teacher Rita has baked some Muffins. Piknik: Kumiko, Joseph, Rad, Shi-yan, Rita Posted by Picasa

Montag, August 14, 2006


今日下晝o個個讀神學既美國人冇啦啦打黎,有o的俾佢嚇親。因為佢係度冇電話,又冇電腦 (叫左佢帶,只係佢諗住冇電腦去旅行會方便o的,但係係德國呢個咁落後既地方,冇電腦真係會死... :p)。有時o的野真係好似拍戲咁拍,佢住正係我樓下兩層同一個單位。用對講機叫左佢去中國餐廳食飯。佢打爛左隻杯... :p 第一次見o的非常 high level o既基督徒,係香港真係從來都冇見過。佢同我一路食飯一路講,對於我呢個差唔多任何歷史都唔識既人黎講,有o的係對牛彈琴。但係佢冇好直接咁講佢係中國俾人拉o的o野,只係講左少少 (其實呢樣係我最想知既野)。佢亦都唔係個隻踢你入會既人,佢只係話佢覺得 christian 係唯一一個有歷史根據既宗教,佢信既係 objective 既 fact,唔係 subjective 既 value。呢個係佢個 church 同其他 church 既主要分別。 佢同我講o的馬丁路德、philosophy、德國歷史 etc. ,基本上我都搭唔倒咀,因為真係少少都唔識。我諗佢都 feel 倒我唔出聲,但係唔知點解佢要獨撐三粒鐘,冇乜 dead air... 我同佢總結,對我黎講呢個世界有冇神同埋我死左之後會點,唔係我而家最想知既野。(其實我想聽佢講o的 church 既分別多o的,不過佢又冇乜講。) 佢話佢唔明我點解可以咁,我夠唔明點解佢可以咁啦。 佢話聖經冇講過點解神要創造天地,佢都唔知點解佢可以有 faith,佢話呢個係一個 gift (咁我當然會問點解神唔俾呢個 gift 我 :p)。 唔通真係好似 Kumiko 咁講, "Die Welt ist einfach so. Es gibt vielleicht keinen Grund warum..." 不過我覺得,我唔可以解釋點解我會見倒呢個由美國黎既人,佢又住正係我樓下。 If the world is govered by some rules, the people whom we are going to meet in our lifes must be preset.

Dienstag, August 08, 2006

Abschiedparty für Yu Chun

Today is the farewell party for Yu-chun. Each of us cooked some food. It was interesting to learn some new Japanese food. Yu-chun sent us a Witch key-chain as a gift or souvenier from Glosla. Tze-tian, Yuki, Yu-chun, me, Kumiko Japanese food: A kind of home-style Sushi Posted by Picasa

Was that a TV program?!

Kumiko and I were about to enter the mensa, and a german woman with two luggages came. At first, I thought maybe she asked us for directions or sth, but then she was kind of ordering us to help her to bring the luggages. She was in such a bad manner... I do not remember what exactly did she tell in german... but it means sth like.... "do you see I have two big luggages? help me!! you don't understand german?!" and then point to the luggage (meaning we should help her to carry)

I think I was very shocked, but Kumiko started helping her to carry one of the luggage, and I was still frozen bcos I did not want to help her (and that's why she asked if I understand german) But we really carried her luggage across the streets to the bus station... and on the way... she was still scolding us like, 'Be careful with my luggage, not to damage the wheels, only pull in straight, I have no money to buy a new one"

At the bus station, she told me, "ich brauche ein Zimmer". At that time I didn't really catch if she asked me about the room, bcos she wanted to stay here overnight or what. And I just repeated, "ein Zimmer?" and she thought I didn't understand what she said, and turned away. Then we saw Ying on the road... telling she has met this woman in Constance.

I just wonder why every time she asks asians/international students, there were so many people outside the mensa.

Montag, August 07, 2006

Das komische Leben

去燒野食既時候,佢地講起一個人最熟既朋友,應該係佢既男/女朋友,因為每個人既發展都會因為環境而改變。畢業後大家各就各路,環境唔同,有時會變得感覺話不投機。當中亦有人唔同意。我覺得,可能兩個講法都有佢既道理。 如果講起我最熟既中學同學,中三移左民去美國,大家一直都可以保持聯絡。兩年前我係美國見佢,o係車上面我真係諗唔倒有的乜野想講(當然我都係一個冇乜野講既人),但係夜晚訓覺,聽日要七點起身,大家一樣可以講到零晨四點,感覺好好。從中學到而家我都覺得佢獨立,當然佢去左美國所遇到既事,並唔係我所可以理解。例如:點解每次見面或者寫信都係問我有冇認識一o的 "cute guys"... :p 又當大家講開,返屋企見倒o的親朋戚友,大家都係講返工有幾忙碌,點樣儲錢買樓等等。好似大家都唔會明白,點解呢班人係外國讀書,讀黎讀去都讀唔完,又唔知讀乜,只係成日去旅行,好似唔駛做咁 (呢個感覺一定係中外都一樣,因為荷蘭佬都同我咁樣講過...)。我覺得:哈哈,一矢中的!!! 如果佢地明白我地呢班人諗乜,而家佢地就圍埋食飯啦,點會o係屋企... 畢竟世界上面係有不同性格既人 ,冇話乜野係唯一正確既生活模式。 另一怪事係我講我覺得最古怪既諗法既時候,居然法國佬都係咁諗。但係呢個感覺只係維持左六個月,而家佢係澳門尋找佢既新生活o既時候我唔係香港,我下星期去巴黎既時候佢唔係貝蒂納。人既際遇就係非常古怪... 跟住而家冇啦啦走個美國佬黎土賓根讀德文,佢同我講既每一個話題,都可以俾我一兩句講到大家冇野講,大家話不投機既情度差唔多满分 :D。最邪既係佢班成百人,呢度有咁多個 HALL,唔知點解佢會住左係我樓下!!! 今日仲邪,朝早搭巴士撞倒佢 (佢唔知我認得佢 :p),跟住我個日本朋友[1] o係度同我講 Sommer Academie[2],去 paris[3] 等 (即係我同佢提過既 1, 2, 3 都出齊)。除非佢O的德文太差,聽唔明我地講乜,如果唔係佢實知道今日同我同一班車... 有時覺得:我因為咁多個巧合黎左土賓根,發生各種怪事,其實係咪每個人都有自己既命運,有時諗咁多我要點點點,其實都係冇乜用... :p 法國佬親眼見倒佢朋友比人"吉"而後去左。美國佬去湖北傳教遇到公安拉人再被人拉埋。相比之下,我既歷險記其實都係好小兒科... 再講以前法國佬話佢發夢:佢同佢o的鄉親講話佢黎香港,佢黎搵我[1],係一間酒吧 [2] 見倒我,但係我唔認得佢 [3]。以前覺得 1, 2, 3 都冇可能,因為佢黎香港實會同我單聲,唔駛搵又冇理由會唔認得。我又唔飲酒,點會見倒我o係酒吧... 但係我而家覺得,去完德國又唔係咁講... :P

Samstag, August 05, 2006

Strasbourg (2. mal)

Fumi, Kumiko, Dena, Juda + EU headquarter Two different churches Posted by Picasa

Freitag, August 04, 2006


It was the farewell party for Yu-chun and a chinese couple. I think I have signed some 4 greeting cards for Yu-chun... :p BBQ at 9th floor Fichtenweg 3 Posted by Picasa