Samstag, Juli 30, 2005

Some songs

Some songs recommended by a skype friend:

1/ James Blunt - You're beautiful <= recommended =)

"You're beautiful, you're beautiful, you're beautiful is true. I saw your face, in a crowded place, and I don't know what to do, 'cos I will never be with you" ... "But it's time to face the truth, I will never be with you"

2/ Bob Marley - Don't Worry, Be Happy <= a bit boring =X

"Every life will have some troubles, when you worry you make it down, don't worry, be happy now"

3/ Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg - Je t'aime (moi non Plus) <= erotic =p I love you (neither do I)

Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui je t'aime! - Moi non plus. - Oh mon amour... - Comme la vague irrésolue Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je Me re-Tiens

P.S. Some background on Jane Birkin

4/ Le Temps Des Cerises <= folksong?

Donnerstag, Juli 28, 2005

Angela's Bday dinner

7:30pm at Dan Ryan, Admiralty. API + AAP + B + I + J Anyone had the feeling of 50% full? =p

Some helps from Tuebingen

I got an impression from someone that Europeans are less willing to help a stranger than Chinese... What I find out is: On my skype list, yes, this statement is quite true. But I must say I'm so lucky, so far I've found 3 helpers from Tuebingen: 1) A Chinese student there from my skype list, who helped me to follow my dormatory application at the Studentenwerk. 2) A German student there, who is a friend of my German class classmate, and offered to pick me up at the Tuebingen train station. 3) A German student there, who is a dotoral student + advisor for Bio-informatics, and offered to pick me up at Stuttgart airport. And they all try to answer every question I asked about the living there. The reason can be, like she said:
Ich werde Dir gerne helfen, Dich hier so schnell wie möglich zurecht zu finden... Ich selber komme aus dem Norden Deutschlands, und habe ein bisschen gebraucht, bis ich mich hier zurecht gefunden habe! Daher kann ich gut verstehen, wie es ist, wenn man plötzlich woander ist!

Montag, Juli 18, 2005

Another Pyscho test

Summary of Strategists

  • Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
  • Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
  • Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
  • May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping

Can characters be generalized? Is a subjective self-evaluation objective? =p

AND Brain Sex result: Women 100% 50% (@25%) 0% 50% 100% Men

Sonntag, Juli 17, 2005


個幾星期前,俾一個法國人問我知唔知有幾多人咁唔好彩,蕩失路去左我個 blog,睇完一堆無聊o野,一o的野都學唔倒。佢話如果你寫的野有o的娛樂性都好,但係你又唔係小丑。哇... 駛唔駛插到咁盡呀... =p 其實我重來都冇諗點解我要寫,我答佢係寫黎俾o的想知你搞緊乜、但係又唔好意思問既朋友睇... 佢話我亂咁寫野,會俾中國政府拉。其實我都唔係好夠佢講,最後只係彈左句:我又冇叫你睇,你唔好干涉我既自由。 佢都同我講過佢識o的香港人都有個 blog,我又知道好多德國人都有個 site,佢話法國冇香港咁多,佢睇o的 blog 都係好多野學既... 唔夠佢鬥既係:佢同我講o的野,我又真係有好多都唔識... 突然間覺得自己要學多o的唔同既野,唔可以令佢覺得我咁笨... 不過我今日又走去睇左兩個人既 diary,睇個時都幾得意呀,定係我無聊...

Freitag, Juli 15, 2005

Is this a co-incidence?

  • Met two days ago a primary schoolmate Pauline on the MTR.
  • Saw on the same day a secondary schoolmate on a bus, whose name is swapped out from my memory.
  • Met today a university classmate Polly at Wai Chai.

Sometimes I feel these events are linked to happen close in time.

Donnerstag, Juli 14, 2005


Went all the way to a cinama at Mongkok, and then discovered the tickets are for tomorrow, not today. The bigger problem is a similar event happened just last Sunday: Went to CWB at 5:50pm and found the travel agency closed at 6:00pm. Am I like myself as usual, or something wrong's going on?

Montag, Juli 11, 2005

2 Chinese characters

Today Dr. Sachmann, our German teacher, taught us 2 Chinese characters: 1) 圕 = die Bibliotehk = the library 2) 瓩 = kilo Watt = kilo watt My German class classmate Ellen said she knows a German girl from her Italian class who is studying Medicine at Tuebingen for one year. If this would bring me a new contact...?

Samstag, Juli 09, 2005

Mobile phones in Germany

I have performed a small market research on mobile phone service plans in Germany. The site 7 mobile offers a convenient listing of plans at various providers. Today, there is an article on GMX Magazine reporting the higher than average handy cost in Germany. The cheapest provider according to a friend and this article is both "E-plus". For 50 air min. without SMS, the cost is €15,00 per month. With the same price, one usually gets 200 min. + 30 SMS in HK?! Mensch...

Mittwoch, Juli 06, 2005


今日又走左堂德文... 因為琴晚 4 點先訓... =p 事源只係我問左一句 "How was the day?",之後佢就話佢成日係度翻譯,跟住 send 個 file 問我o的英文有冇錯。o個o的 Google 譯既英文,梗係錯到七彩,跟住要我呢個唔識法文既人去翻譯,粒粒字都要查字典,真係殺左我... 我同佢反映左我既困難,第二日佢同我講: "today i have tried to translate more seriously. so for you is more easy to catch, so you can help better, and on a long period is better for us both" (其實由頭至尾我都冇講過話我會幫佢,好似俾人屈咁) "go in msn. after that i will send files about horse. very big. 230 pages." 我最唔明係點解佢完全唔會覺得,叫我做咁多野會唔好意思... 仲要叫人做野係度彈三彈四: "do you feel with your english you can do the job well, after all you are not a native language level" 係咪我問佢野既時候,佢都係咁諗:點解佢問咁多野都唔會覺得唔好意思...?! "you use me to search like a web engine. when i answer i don't know, you say 'hey doggy go and find the information' " "when will you go on a forum? after i am dead ?" "may i be buddha if i can endure you for one year ?" 真係唔知係好笑定係好嬲...

Dienstag, Juli 05, 2005

German Consulate HK

Visited the German Consulate HK. The office hour is Mon-Fri, 8:30-12:00. It was within office hour, but there was no reception at the counter. I queued at an empty counter for 30 min, fianlly a lady appeared. I asked her a simple question, and she said she didn't know the answer, and would help me to ask somebody else. After yet another 20 min, I got a not so clear reply. I decided although I still have doubts, I won't spend yet another 20 min to wait for another answer. ... -_-"

Montag, Juli 04, 2005

I resigned my job

I resigned my job today, and referred my roommate for the job. Personally I think this is a very stupid decision because: 1) I haven't confirmed my accomodation at Tuebingen yet, and the whole plan may blow. 2) The job vacancy is refilled and I have no way back. 3) My roommate may not like the job at all. 4) I don't like to bear the responsibilities of a referer. BUT I did against myself, for the good of WHOM? =p Robin Sackmann is my new German teacher, a very cool guy who will become a Linguistic professor. He speaks fluent Mandarin and Cantonese in 5 years, and taught us the correct writing for "鐘意" is "中意". Mensch!!! I received A's email that she will pay a short visit to HK in late July. So she has visited HK twice meanwhile I'm yelling I will visit Japan... =p

Samstag, Juli 02, 2005

A few hours of insanity

I agreed with somebody unknown visiting the Lantau Buddha together at 10pm. We exchanged handy no. and photos, searched on the web for the possible transportation, the ferry schedule, the location of the pier, figured out a time and place to meet at IFC, etc. At the moment, I was thinking the weather is nice. Sunday is a nice day for an outing. =p At 3:24am, I hesitated about my own decision. I've forgotten why I woked up at such a strange hour. Then I sent an SMS and made up an excuse to stop all these insanities. On sunday morning, my dad told me a guy called. I was not yet fully awaken to remember what I have exactly replied... This is the 3rd time for similar things to happen. =p

Freitag, Juli 01, 2005

Astrology report

How You Approach Life & How You Appear To Others: Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself and you have a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards.

The Inner You: Your Real Motivation: You are a freedom-loving, strong-willed, and independent-minded individual, and you insist upon living your own life as you see fit, even if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal relationships you cannot be owned or possessed, and while you are willing to share yourself with another, you do not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take of a close relationship. Though intellectually open, you can be enormously stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible on a one-to-one level. You have strong convictions and feelings about fairness and equality, and you try to live by your ideals, but your ideals about how people SHOULD treat one another don't always take into account human weaknesses, differences, and needs. You probably dislike sentimentality and traditional gender roles and "games".