Freitag, Oktober 29, 2004

Swiss Kwai Fong [Nov 20]

The E-flyer Posted by Hello I received B's call this morning. Well... it really scared me. Not because he's calling, but from what he told, our dialog was like: B: [omitted] A: "so you want me to find a student for..." B: "wearing a kau costume..." A: "I'm sorry, but what's 'kau'? Can you spell it?" B: "c-o-w" A: [interrupted, very skeptical] "wearing a cow costume?" B: [very calm] "aha... funny isn't it?" To be frank, I couldn't be so tolerable if B isn't my friend. I just hope it's not his idea to have a cow as an attraction for that "Switzerland greets HK" campaign. =p But my brother said this is fun. Okay, there ARE people who find this funny. N.B. Here's a link recording this event.

Dienstag, Oktober 26, 2004


今日先係星期二,距離星期六仲有好幾日... 又係o個種望天打卦o既感覺... 究竟佢係咪會打黎架呢? 佢上次都係咁講,但係最終係: 1) 佢 send email 2) 我覆左佢 3) 佢冇覆我 4) 我忍唔住打電話搵佢,佢話佢 email 左我 5) 佢有出現 點解佢個 protocol 冇 ack?! 係我太認真,定係我唔信佢? 我諗兩樣都係... 雖然我係好想再玩多次... 但係今次我決定左:佢唔搵我,我唔會搵佢 =P

Montag, Oktober 25, 2004

Hasuaufgabe: Meine Wohnung

Ich wohne jetzt bei meinen Eltern in Hong Kong. Unsere Wohnung ist nicht schlecht. Sie hat zwei Schlafzimmer, ein Arbeitszimmer, ein Wohnzimmer, ein Esszimmer, eine Küche, und ein Bad. Sie liegt sehr günstig. Leider hat die Wohnung keinen Balkon. Das Wohnzimmer ist ziemlich groß und hell. Es gibt eine Couch in hellgrün mit drei Plätzen. Der Plasmafernseher und die Stehlampe sind sehr modern. Die Küche ist schön. Der Kühlschrank, der Elektroherd, und die Waschmaschine sind sehr praktisch. Mein zimmer ist ziemlich klein. Aber das Bett ist bequem, und das Bücherregal ist groß. Ich habe jetzt keinen Schreibtisch. Mein zimmer hat drei Fenster. Ich kann viele Bäume durch die Fenster sehen. Wir sind vor drei Monaten hier eingezogen. Wir sind zufrieden.

Samstag, Oktober 23, 2004

GRE General Test

Got up early in the morning, and went to Kwun Tong Delia Memorial School for the GRE general test. We gathered at Kwun Tong MTR station. It's my first time to know how S looks like, although I've known his name for a long time. B was a bit late. =p We were able to arrive on time though. There were a lot of candidates. The examination invigulators were *extremely* un-professional. The running of the test wasn't smooth. The verbal questions are abstruse. Anyway. =p The lunch I had wasn't palatable. I slept for a few hours when I got home. Then, we went to Deep Water Bay. I didn't swim though. We had our dinner at the oldest Chinese restaurant in Wai Chai, which former Governor Pan has visited. There were no "spitter mug" as I was once told. The dish "Doggy-duck" was interesting, but in general the food was cloyying. Yet, it's still better than my lunch.

Lung Moon Restaurant Posted by Hello

Freitag, Oktober 22, 2004

Fahreheit 911

I got up around noon. I didn't feel like I'm going to memorize more vocabularies for tomorrow's test. So I decided to visit IFC to "appreciate" Picasso's picture. The exhibition area was a little bit dim. I stayed there for a few minutes. =p Picasso's Parade @ IFC Posted by Hello Watched "Fahreheit 911" at Palace IFC. We sat in the first row, which was rather bad. The last time when I sat in the first row to watch a film was "Titanic". If everything in the documentary is true, I don't really like Bush.

Deutsch ist fantastisch!

Ich möchte gut Deutsch sprechen. Jetzt gehe ich Deutsch lernen im Goethe Insitut am Monstag um Hlab seben Uhr abends. Kommst du mit?

Two pieces of fun stuff...

G told me he sang this when he was young:

Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht alles schläft, einsam wacht nur das traute hochheilige Paar holder Knabe im lockigen Haar schlaf in himmlischer Ruh' schlaf in himmlischer Ruh'
B quized my German on the other day:
Ich fragte Keuner: "Wohin führt mein Weg?" Keuner sagte:"Wenn Du nicht weisst, wo Du hinwillst, mußt Du Dich nicht wundern, wenn Du nicht ankommst."

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