Sonntag, Januar 15, 2006

Baking an apple cake

Went to Hui's place for lunch, because her French mitwohnerin is leaving in Feb. I have not yet decided if I leave yet, but I must make an decision if I quit my room by monday!!! Hui' cooked some Chinese dishes. "Sisley(?)" baked an apple cake and I cooked "西米露". I never know how much 西米 I should use, using too much again. :p cake Posted by Picasa To bake a cake seems not too difficult, the reciepe: - 1 small yogurt - 2 small yogurt cup flour - 2 small yogurt cup sugar - 3 eggs - 2 apples (cutting them into small pieces) - mix well and bake
Comments from experience:
- mixed fruit yogurt also tastes good
- with half the stated portion can bake 8 pieces.
- bake at 120°C for 45min (or until almost finished)
- bake at 150°C can give the cake a golden surface
- too much suger in the stated receipe, maybe 2/3 is enough
- dice 3 apples for half the stated portion

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