Donnerstag, Februar 09, 2006

Battling with the German bureaucracy

So finally I've got a student job (HiWi) in Germany for the ScaleNet* project, relying on this little line on my Aufenthaltserlaubnis (= resident permit):

"Erwerbstaetigkeit nicht gestattet, ausgen. arbeitserlaubnisfreie Taetigkeit fuer max 90 Tage o. 180 halbe Tage/Jahr u. Taetigkeit als Wissenschaftli. Hilfskraft a.d. Uni Tbg."

Coming up is the battle with the German bureaucracy. The procedures are as follows: 1) Pay 60 € for Rueckmeldung for SS 2006, obtain an Immatrikulation Bescheidigung 2) With the Bescheidigung, pay 30 € for getting a new Aufenthaltserlaubnis. 3) Obtaining the Lohnsteuerkarte (=income tax card) 4) With the documents obtained in 2 & 3, sign the employment contract Bureaucratic knowledge to be studied: General information on obtaining a resident permit in Germany Taxation scheme in German state Baden-Wuerttemberg * So... again and again I am suddenly working on sth. completely new (following the previous records of "Fortis" in 2003, and "Multivision" in 2003-05. This time is with "Siemens AG"! The world is about $$ and funding.

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