Samstag, April 29, 2006


咁多人係度搞乜呢?呢個就係 rowing course o既 central registration。成百人,用左一個好原始既 registration 方法,不過我又覺得呢個方法幾 optimal:每個人先舉手自己最想要個時間,然後有o的班多左人,有o的班唔夠人,跟住o的人再可以舉手調時間,最後如果再係太多人就抽簽... 好好彩,我組有 15 個人但係得 10 個位,但係我今次抽倒喇~!!! (35€ 一個 sem) 跟住今日去左 intro 班... 呢個就係 Bootshaus,行左成半粒鐘先去倒... (因為星期六走左巴士就要等半粒鐘...) Zentralanmeldung und IfS Bootshaus Posted by Picasa 學左好多德文生字,哈哈... 基本上我唔識呢o的 terms o既英文... Neckar o的水呢排好污糟,我係度得對 joggging 鞋同拖鞋,咁點算呢? Einfruehrung beim Neckar [點解對腳可以幼到咁架呢!?]

Freitag, April 28, 2006

The views from my Wohnheim

Dezember, Maerz Posted by Picasa April Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, April 23, 2006


This morning Teresa invited me to her breakfast gathering. Woow... 10 students (the majority study medicine) all together sitting in the kitchen for breakfast, with fruit salad, muffin, brotchen etc etc. Unfortunately with my limited German and their medicine topics, I still could not really participate in the conversation. Thanks Teresa that she did try to help me a lot. I really think I have some nice neighbors: Teresa: who always invite me to parties, although I must admit I dun really like to dance :p Andi: despite he and his friends smoke and drink alot, which are not my hobbies, but he and his gf from Peru are both very friendly. Marco: also a friendly guy from Peru who likes parties alot. The other neighbors are not so socialable, but all of them are nice. I've heard of neighbors who make loud music, leave dirty dishes in the kitchen, always complain (e.g. Jo's neighbor sometimes sticks a note on her door complaining silly matter). Thanks God that I have nice neighbors. [Although I think I must be described as an odd Chinese, who doesn't like parties, doesn't drink nor smoke, seldom speaks...]

Samstag, April 22, 2006


好驚... 今朝打開個雪櫃拎o野,有盒飯由冰格跌p左落p黎,跟住揼爛p左塊玻璃... 希望呢次係繼俾人打荷包之後最後一樣黑仔o野... 唉.... 留係屋企都會出事,真係大鑊!!! 跟住貼左張紙o係雪櫃: (1) schrecklich - 助動詞 [青年口語] (2) den - Akkusativ, muskulinum (3) habe ... gemacht - Perfekt [口語化過去式] (4) werde ... melden - Futur I [將來式 I,有加強語調,表示一定會做既意思] 其實我諗我既口語化 grammar 都己經學得七七八八,仲差要背熟o的個動詞表,o的眾數變化; 書面語仲有排學,講野仲係講唔倒 :識字唔夠多,同埋仲未講倒好口語化... [P.S. 哈哈... 之後 Teresa 話我o的德文好左,寫出o黎o既都o岩,咁我係咪應該好開心!?] 雖然黎左半年都仲未講倒,所以經常覺得自己o的德文好削,不過都可以肯定應該係進步左o的,起碼 Bjoern 同 May 都有咁講過 :-)

Freitag, April 21, 2006

Mach viel Spaß weiter

This morning I went to the Accenture Campus Challenge briefing, so there is only one group in my region, LOL. So the regional contest will only be a presentation with the judges to decide if we are able to go to the finals. Tried the digital pen!!! The digital paper is quite amazing. [On the way to the briefing, I met the old lady from the church at the bus stop!!! I should compile a statistic on how often do I meet acquintainces on streets LOL] Then had language exchange with May. The canteen set lunch is getting very small... Today it's hot like summer. Learnt that she can't continue her studies in BWL. The German study system is quite terrible, huh? My mitbewohner Andi hosted a grill party at the Balcony tonight. I think this picture of beers looks marvelous :p Grillparty auf unserem Balkon: viel Beers und (Apfel-)tobac :p Posted by Picasa

Mittwoch, April 19, 2006

My Campus Challenge project group

Today I met Alex from my Campus Challenge project group. Nils didn't come. Before he quoted "Shoene Aussichten" in his email, I didn't recognize this is a meeting point: a cafe... :p The Cafe was closed. We moved to another place in the innerstadt. At first, he spoke to me in German, but then I asked if I can continue in English. I was very happy when he told me he didn't know I'm a foreigner when reading my emails, LOL. Hopefully there will not be any big communication problems. He talked about the stress of working in Germany. Well... as a HKer, I do not really see why this is a stress... :p But I agree it is less "stressful" in Spain. And he told me he finds Tuebingen really small, for any graduates to stay here to develop a career. But it's a nice town, which is small enough, so that you can go to play beach ball within 2 hours between your classes, and then attend the classes with your sweat. I am expecting an exciting summer!! Today, I also received my HSBC card by DHL. I like HSBC. :) card Posted by Picasa

Montag, April 17, 2006

Easter Monday

Originally I'd go to a trip to Bad Urach with the Church group today, but I was 3 minutes late, and watched the bus running away at the bus station. When I arrived at the train station, everybody was gone. It took me an hour for this tround trip between my place and the train station, because today is a public holiday, and the buses were very sparse. So now I can only enjoy the photos sent by my friend... :p N.B. I think I have enough lessons in Germany that I should be very puntual. LOL Water fall at Bad Urach Posted by Picasa So it turned out to be a Python day. I have to translate part of the NSIS library from C++ to Python. Now I understand what I was told before: learning a language is about learning a thinking mindset.

Sonntag, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday

In the morning, I only coded. At night I went to the church group again for the "English" class. I must admit my English is very bad. Talked with James the American missionary. Well, he knows so many middle-east languages, playing piano, etc. And I remember the husband of Huiyan, the Canadian missionary, knowing how to compose songs and sing etc. It is not an easy task... :p My Easter egg Posted by Picasa

Freitag, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

This is my first time to spend a "good friday" at a christian group, and learn what exactly it is... :p I was told in Germany, people eat only fish on this day, so we had a "Fischessen" in the church. The two German women behind me said, they knew their first Chinese student here in Tuebingen in 1933. Now they are over eighties. Karfreitag Posted by Picasa Today I feel my German is very bad, but my Putonghua is more fluent. I need to train myself to be able to switch the language as quick as I wish. :p

Donnerstag, April 13, 2006

Lunch at NeckerMueller

Had lunch with my tandem partner at Necker Mueller. So she also lost her wallet in Tuebingen last week. Okay, so the difference between London and Tuebingen is: She lost her wallet in Tuebingen and reported it to the police, and got her wallet back, INTACT. I lost my wallet in London, STOLEN, gone forever. Tuebingen is small, but it's so lovely in another way. Lunch@NeckerMueller with Spitzele Posted by Picasa And on the bus, I met Zhengyin. It's a small town here where you can meet acquintances here and there. I think I will miss this kind of life when I go back to Hong Kong.

Mittwoch, April 12, 2006

Meeting my mentor

I joined the mentor program from the international organization here. Actually I also joined it last semester, and SMSed my last tutor a few times, but we finally didn't meet because both of us were busy, although we both live in the same student dorf. :p This semester I have a new mentor - a nice person. Today we went to Kellerassel - a small Kneipe in the French Quarter with his friends. I think I spoke the most German today since I'm in Tuebingen LOL. My mentor just knows many people here and there including my "ex-collegue", Christoph. Naja, I just learnt today he has quited his student job. :p I found the following sentances a little bit strange: "Meine Mutter kommt aus TW und ich hoffe das ist kein Problem fuer dich", and "Do you feel being offended (beleidigt) when he (the bar tender) said you come from Taiwan?" Okay... so who has a problem about this?! :^) I was told there's an Eramus Party at the Kneipe today. Well... really?! People only sit there and watch football match on TV, drink, and play football machine.... In Joker people would dance. The only thing in common is that both places are very smoky... :p P.S. now I know what is Walter Tigers... College basketball in Germany called Bundesliga like NCAA. Someone sticked a ticket on my floor today. Haha... I really wish the ticket were mine. I just want to watch one match!!! Can someone make my wish come true? :p

Dienstag, April 11, 2006

Volunteer in Stuttgart

I have sent back the documents to become a volunteer for the WM in Stuttgart. My duty is to station at the Stuttgart Train Station for 7 hours on the days of the matches. Don't really know why I'd like to do this. Only out of craziness and the principle - to participate... :p Stuttgart Posted by Picasa

Battling with documents again...

After losing my wallet, now I have to replace in Germany my: 1) Student Card 2) Bahncard 3) Semester ticket 4) AOK Krankenversicherungskarte 5) EC Karte mit dem Bank 6) Library card. I'm not going to replace it... LOL And I also have to deal with the ones in HK. Except 1), all the stuff are alright now by paying, paying, and paying fees.

And I opened the mail from Karlsruhe, at first I thought it were some tourist information, but I found it is from "Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung" ("National office for assistance(?) and care(?)"). I have never applied to enter this system... :p It is sooo automatic. I am under the group of "entry level employment". It says I can use the portal service with the peronsal number and password. I don't even know my number... :p Crazy...

The Accenture Campus Challenge has also sent me an email about the project briefing and competition dates. Sometimes it's exciting to have some uncertainties in the future... :p

Sonntag, April 02, 2006

Day 4 in London (Lost wallet!!)

Punkingham Palace + Lost wallet at Subway Posted by Picasa

Big Ben + London Eye Posted by Picasa

wagamama + Kelvin, Biyu, Joe, Tiffany, Angie Posted by Picasa

Samstag, April 01, 2006

Day 3 in London

Around noon, my cousin brought me to the British Museum. It was very big, but I must admit I am not really into Museums. Sometimes we just wonder how they can display something stolen soooo publicly, and even for mummies and so on... okay... history... :p Then we went to the China town. I think it is of a middle size. The British Museum, a flag in Central and thw China Town Posted by Picasa We then went to Camden Town, the Mongkok district in London. It was a place with a flee market, many punks, and drugs. The Chinese food there wasn't very tasty. I also saw the typical London weather of having a sun shining while raining. Drugs and punks in Camden Town Posted by Picasa Next we went to the Tower Bridge. I'm so surprised that this is not called the "London Bridge" as what we sing in the song. No wonder the French were cheated... :p I also saw this famous building which I've forgotten its name. I remember I saw a archetecture exhibition in MoMA NYC. What I can remember is this design can resist some ??miles/hr of wind. Now I understand fully why. It was sooooo windy. Famous building (name forgotten) + Tower Bridge (!!) Posted by Picasa