Samstag, August 30, 2008


Yesterday in the late night, the German consultant called me, exactly as he promised a week earlier. He asked me in a serious tone, if I still want to proceed with my application. "Yes", I replied. Did he want me to answer "no" instead? All these deeds originate from his unthoughtful suggestion, "all the technical positions are located in Germany. I can help you to forward your application to the head of development. We are good friends". Little did he thought about if his company hires a complete foreigner, the work permit, the interview arrangements, etc., as if my willingness to relocate was the only concern. In fact, I am a little bit surprised that he has been keeping his promises. He is more serious than I thought, but my "yes" probably sounded more determined than I really am. I feel my worries about starting a brand new life again, all alone, in a foreign little town in the less affluent NW. Without the beautiful Blackforest, the lovely Neckar, the "warm" southern Germans, and a group of fun-loving exchange students, can I still love my life in Germany as much as before? Be cautious, I am betting with my golden years. A job with 50% of travels is what I love and hate. After all, traveling around the world is not my ultimate goal. Maybe I simply want to live a plain normal life?

Donnerstag, August 28, 2008


生活的快樂有四個等級: 最好是兩個人互相扶持,一起生活很快樂;其次是一個人生活自在很快樂; 再者是一個人生活不快樂;最壞是兩個人一起生活不快樂。 跟老媽說的是同一個道理。 請不要誤會,雖然我把這個問題鑽研了很久,我還是很後現代化的我。

Mittwoch, August 27, 2008

Beautiful China

Photographer: Feng Jiang, reachable at Dazzled by scenes like these, for a moment I pause my destructive thinking: "God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good". The first half of Genesis 1:31 might be controversial, but I seldom doubt about the validity of its second half, especially in past tense.

Samstag, August 23, 2008


如果我有機會說出這一句: "這是我一生之中最高興和最煇煌的時刻,在這一生再沒有遺憾了。" 那會是多好!! 來源:這是馬琳在剛剛拿到金牌後說的

Freitag, August 22, 2008

Another piece of exciting news

After receiving a sudden phone call from a German job agent last week, this is another piece of exciting news... Da~da~!! I might help setting up and running the Regional Chapter HK of the Baden-Wuerttemberg-STIPENDIUM. Honestly, the exchange program did not change me much academically, but it was a very good culture course. Hopefully the next chapter in my fiction will be exciting!

Ther server room

The term "spaghetti cable" reminds me of the scene in the server room: behind a wall of 11 server racks, each mounting some 10 machines, knitting with 4 LAN cables a crisscross network. This is a real mess! (Not so much because of the power cables...) With a room temperature of 35°C (Remember, just the heat, no cheering sunshine) and a noise level of over 80dB. Sometimes working in a server room is no better than at a construction site.

Donnerstag, August 21, 2008

Equestrian Jumping Finals in HK

21st Aug was the Equestrian Individual Jumping Finals of the the Beijing Olympics 2008. The games were held in HK, because the quarantine system here is still OK :p Spectators were asked not to clap their hands nor use a camera with flash light during the competition, because these would disturb the athletes. However, people just couldn't hold their loud reflex of "OOOOOH" or "WAAAAA" whenever an obstacle was knocked down. The current world champion is MICHAELS-BEERBAUM Meredith representing Germany, but she has never won an Olympics gold medal. Although these Olympics Mascots were not allowed to participate in the Opening Ceremony due to the "prophesy" rumor, they are still alive :p Of course we also can't miss Chinese KongFu The typhoon signal 3 was is hoisted in the evening, and thus this funny scene of everybody at the spectator stand wearing a rain coat. A tank was broken and water spilled all over the sand. Accidents are inevitable in our life.
The Gold medal went to Canada. With so many HKnese in Canada, and vice versa. This is a happy ending? P.S. Dutch Dad commented dressage is more difficult than jumping. Many HKnese left early during the dressage games. We know only horse-racing, not Equestrian :p Posted by Picasa

Mittwoch, August 20, 2008

Fictitious life

[A film I saw with Siju in TW] If I am the author of my fictitious life, I'd not end this 2-year-long story with "so we will ignore each other from now on, OK?" Can we instead come across each other again either at the Bangkok, SFO, or Utrecht airport? Realizing that we terminated our friendship once upon a time in a fierce argument on something so trivial in the scope of our universe? That said, just now I was pressing hard the delete button on my unpublished blog entries, trying to erase every bit of this memory segment permanently from my brain.

Sonntag, August 17, 2008


今天的心情很壞... 想起他給我看過的維他命葯單,每天吃大約三十粒不同功效的葯丸。每當他向我亂發脾氣時,我都在想:是他今天忘了吃葯嗎? 看到朋友寄給我的一篇文章,我在想:Saint Johnswort 真的可以對抗憂鬱症嗎?也許我要買些來試試看。

Sonntag, August 10, 2008

Divorce rate search summary

1) Age: Divorce rate is inversely proportional to the age of first marriage Data from
Age at marriage for those who divorce in the United States
Age                       Women               Men
Under 20 years old         27.6%             11.7%
20 to 24 years old         36.6%             38.8%
25 to 29 years old         16.4%             22.3%
30 to 34 years old          8.5%             11.6%
35 to 39 years old          5.1%              6.5%
2) Religion: Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups and much higher than Atheists and Agnostic experience 3) Race: Asian families stay together 4) "Those who avoided divorce managed to do so by being forgiving and having charitable explanations for their partner's negative behavior, reports the BBC" ----- 1) reflects the maturity of minds 2) means anyone with a strong opinion and low tolerance is difficult to get along with 3) means growing up in family conflicts trains us to be a better family member

Love this scene - the run in the sky

Samstag, August 09, 2008

The "top 10" news in HK :p

That happened on the day of the typhoon. I didn't know this until yesterday everybody was talking about it during the dinner: 「活塞男」深宵公園做運動 下體離奇卡入仰臥板 This is the biggest story after Edison Chan appeared on the front page for more than a month, and "friends" in HK were busy circulating "flash cards". Such a world I am living in... I mean, with the socially agreed moral standard giving in to cultural liberalism. This was another article which I read last week: Recovering the Art of Christian Prudence by Michael Morton (to be continued)


好驚~~~ 阿媽話我衝口而出既一句... 雖然話我好中意去旅行... 但係呢句野聽落真係好恐怖...

Mittwoch, August 06, 2008

Sex ratio search results

"In Europe, significantly more male babies were born in southern latitudes than in northern latitudes, whereas the reverse was found in North America. We are unable to explain these findings, which do not support a temperature related effect."

Job market survey results - down under

Problems: - no development positions down under??? Salary: Annual leave: 28 days Sick leave: 8 days Tax calculator Agencies: Talent International Job sites: Living cost: $600 - $1200 per month

Smart girl, wake up again please

Some years ago, I was such a girl - courageous, independent, and smart (oh well... at least not stupid like now :p). Hard-working enough to beat every boy in the CS class, and to squeeze into a group of German male co-workers. I strove my very best to make myself a counter example of prejudices like "girls can't code", "Chinese form their own social-group", 'Chinese students don't speak German", "students from the engineering faculty are bad at languages", and so on. She was "a cool girl" admired by many. When I look at myself again today, self-enslaving my mind for "a haunting ghost" (well... take this literally rather than a Cantonese pun :p), striking after the wind, losing my goals, dwelling in this "fallen-world" with an obsession in a culture of entertainments - I feel only empty and lost - rotten. Why should I ruin my own life by someone else? Pleeeease wake up, be smart and cool again.

Freitag, August 01, 2008

"see you later"

I met him again in HK. Nothing happens again. This is my fate. Twice a year after I left TW. How could this happen? Every time when I say good bye, I feel very painful, because this good bye is likely to be a farewell. At the same time, I feel sorry to myself, because I cannot get rid of this irrational addiction. This is pure stupidity. This is my 3rd time to repeat this same farewell scene. Only the first time was a good memory: I was amused when he, by then someone random, came only to say good bye before he left Germany. He carried a funny smile and said "see you later" with a hidden implication. Since then, this "see you later" has became my curse...