Montag, März 20, 2006

Interview in HK

Today I had an interview at a company of my dream types. Unfortunately my performance was extremely poor, and naturally I didn't get the job. It was nonetheless an interesting experience. I was interviewed by two expats and two Asian mixed (I cannot stop my prejudice that this game in Asia is monopolized by these people). Peter shot at me all the agressive questions in an agressive manner: 1) What does an E in Pure Mathematics mean? You don't like Math? Have you taken any Math in Univeristy? Do you know what is an integral? What is differentiation? And What is the relationship between them? 2) You had a lot of German sausages? 3) Where did you fly through to Hawaii? 4) Do you like writing C++ or Excel more? 5) Which companies have you applied? I think it's a IT/banks/consultancies 6) You should put down "Immediately for interview" at your resume. Yet, when coming to describing his clients and his job, he explained in a rather serious manner. All four of them told the clients are extremely busy and stressful, who are impatient and don't have any time to lose for anyone. They sometimes just shout at you, and they told you something, and the next time they forget and you are the one to be blamed. (I ask myself why I'd want to try working at hell...) So what'd I do next in the next 6 months?

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