Donnerstag, August 30, 2007

Style Cafe, the final farewell

今天大家一起在師大夜市的 Style Cafe 玩 German boardgames. 星期六 Thomas 要走了,這年來無數的告別聚會讓我感到有點麻木... 還記得我初到台北的第一二個星期己經認識他。他在 Siemens 實習,跟我在同一個 Software Park,中午有時可以一起吃飯,非常方便。也許我跟他沒有談過很深入的話題,也沒有告訴他我覺得他很好人- 待朋友很好和很慷慨;但他是一個走了會覺得可惜的朋友。 記得他每次說再見之前,都會諗出一堆 Also Angie, ich wünsche dir einen schönen freien Nachmittag, und noch viel Spaß bei der Arbeit, und wir sehen uns ja näschten mal. Tschüss. 很有趣... 今天道別時的抱抱,很可能是我們最後一次見面。有時真的很想能再到德國。

3 Kommentare:

sadiedith hat gesagt…

u know, sometimes i think about we go travel in Germany together - when my German is as proficient as you.
... but it's gonna take me at least 2 years...

Maize hat gesagt…

Let's go there together next year! Summer or Autumn. I always want to visit the Ostsee and then some friends in the south, or to enter a tent in the October fest :P

sadiedith hat gesagt…

ho ar! Let's make it in Autumn! Hopefully i'll be done with 3/4 of the the B2-1 Kurs by that time.
I miss my friends in München too! and I must visit Berlin this time.