Sonntag, September 02, 2007

All is vanity under the sun?

I read Ecclesiastes out of curiosity stemmed from my discussion with Greg. "All is vanity under the sun" - is this a fact or a perspective? I found these interesting in the discussion: "Being an atheist takes a great deal of faith. Since God can no sooner be proven to exist as he can be proven to NOT exist. This is why it is called faith and religion." (Technically speaking, I am agnostic, not an atheist) "The world will tell you that truth is relative to the individual. That two people can watch the same accident happen and those two people will give different stories of the accident based upon their perspective. - Do not listen to this without remembering one thing. Whether their versions of the story agree or not, the event happened. In other words- Absolute truth does exist. We may not accept it or see it, but there is one single solitary truth. Seek absolute truth, not relative truth."

1 Kommentar:

sadiedith hat gesagt…

Ecclesiastest - my favourite chapter in Bible, maybe becoz it's sarcastic and bitter, but it's indeed telling us the principles of how the business in this world runs.
We humans are limited in the space of time, the absolute truth can't be witnessed twice once it's in the past.
but even if you can witness the absolute truth at the moment it happens, it'd become a relative truth - coz it's always based on how u interpret.
Faith - is really a very important factor in abiding your belief.
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