Sonntag, September 30, 2007

An Author of "Lonely Platnet HK & Macau"

今天在報紙看到有關 Lonely Platnet HK & Macau 作者的報導,之後在 google 找到她的 blogs:舊的新的。她也是個水瓶座,有時真的覺得性格跟出生期是有關係的。看到這篇這篇或是那篇,再看看"天涯若比鄰"下面的links。接觸的人多了,發現了這幾點:
  1. 人的性格真的是分了很多類的,不要以為自己是獨一無異。
  2. 一個人是性格跟環境的整合,我們都受著外界的影響:為什麼許多華人的blog,都是在寫自己;老外的卻比較學術性?老外很少拿相機亂拍,視亞洲人狂拍之之舉為無聊。亞洲人要白皮膚,白人要健康膚色;又有幾多個人可以 think critically?

2 Kommentare:

舞者 hat gesagt…

老外的卻比較學術性? I beg to differ. You surf around MySpace and you'll see they whine about themselves like we do. It has to do with the blogs you habitually surf.

舞者 hat gesagt…

A few examples of Chinese who don't write about themselves:
They are my close friends. I think you may have generalized too much after reading just a few Chinese blogs.