Mittwoch, Oktober 31, 2007

AI's report on China's Human Right

This is a sentence from the report on death penalty in China, which I am translating, to be published by AI before the Olympics, Beijing 2008: "Nevertheless, it (a figure on the number of death penalty carried out in China) still accounts for 13 times the combined number of executions reported to have been carried out in the rest of the world in 2006.(30)" Well... while I agree there exist cases, which death penalty is abused by the local Chinese governments, this sentence is to me a complete mis-use of statistical figure - If we consider the population size in China, isn't it reasonable that this figure to be higher than the average? To be fair, we need to consider the number of criminals judged in all of the countries composing this world combined figure... P.S. "youtube is forbidden in mainland since 1 to 2 weeks" Somehow I should glad that I haven't got the offer in SH. I bet the salary will give me a big shock, and it is just out of my imagination how I can stay in such a place...

1 Kommentar:

sadiedith hat gesagt…

u know, my friend's moved to shanghai a month ago, and she told me under the censorship, she can read No BLOG, watch NO YOUTUBE VIDEO and NO WIKIPEDIA!
Mensch! that's our mainland china! and this really makes hongkong and the rest a BIG difference!
we're (still) very lucky! (