Dienstag, Oktober 30, 2007


1)今日我個包租婆又同我講佢地睇的乜野戲... 又係虐殺... 點解有咁多戲好揀,要睇埋o的咁既野? 2)又開始成日同佢im... 如果唔係佢搵我講野,咁就仲驚,即係我搵野同佢講... 屈指一數,起碼5個人叫我唔好再諗佢,只有阿媽一個話佢正常。以客觀既角度黎睇,我又有o的乜野理由覺得全世界都錯,只有我一個o岩?

1 Kommentar:

sadiedith hat gesagt…

baby, there's no right or wrong (for this issue, coz it's all about personal feeling)... if what u do bring u happiness, then go ahead. ur friends oppose the idea of keeping in (close) contact only becoz we don't want you to get hurt and be upset. :)