Sonntag, April 20, 2008

Early Church History

Read an article about early church history. I think this is informative, especially to know there is an early church leader who thinks the OT is inconsistent with the NT. There are a few points which I cannot agree though: "這些人、這些團體,都是先有他們的哲學前提,再來決定他們需要哪一種正典,而正統的基督教就不一樣了;我們是先有聖經正典,我們再來發展信仰教義。" When the Bible canon was developed, there was already some "criteria" (書捲的評鑑標準) to select which books are included in the Canon. Aren't these criteria some theological foundations? ."..,奧古斯丁一翻開就翻到了,羅馬書十三章十三到十四節,裡面講到『不可荒宴醉酒、不可好色邪蕩』,奧古斯丁竟然因著這一句話,就歸主了。我想歷史中,沒有一個任何一個名人,是因為這樣的一句聖經的話而信主。因此這個例子,使我們不能夠不相信,上帝的話語句句都是煉淨的,神的話語每一句,都是帶著能力的。" This is something which sounds quite irrational to me. :p

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