Montag, Dezember 31, 2007

Taipei 101 fireworks

The last Taipei 101 fireworks show with Tina & Jessie Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, Dezember 30, 2007

My last days in Taipei

From 26 Dec onwards... Wed: Japanese dinner with Selina @陶板屋 Thu: Set lunch with colleagues @Cafe Fri: Hot pot lunch with Ally + 公司尾牙 Sat: BBQ dinner with Selina, Rebecca & Markus @原燒 Sun: 麻油雞 dinner cooked by Linda Mon: 101 Firework show + count down with Tina and Jessie Tue: Fort Domingo @Dan Shui + watching the warlords with Selina & Tyson Wed: Dinner with Marcie@醬太郎 Thu: (free) Fri: Shilin night market with colleagues Sat: go to ShenKen with XiaoYu Sun: Church in the morning and flying away in the evening.

Freitag, Dezember 28, 2007

The care sent by HR...

工作狂體操 中譯歌詞 第一 比別人更努力工作 第二 不要抱怨 第三 都為了將來 第四 為了這個世界 第五 永遠都如此 今天也是工作工作 還是工作 盡全力去做 勇渡波濤 翻山越嶺 衝吧!工作狂 第六 明知很勉強還是得工作 第七 光會哭沒有用 第八 要有幹勁 第九 有毅力 第十 就差不多上軌道了 今天也是工作工作 還是工作 都是為了明天 即使未來佈滿荊棘 也不過如此 前進吧!工作狂 (今天也是一整天的工作狂) (拼命的工作狂) (加油加油工作狂)

Samstag, Dezember 22, 2007

Jiji 集集

Today Aileen brought me to JiJi. It is a small town famous for her train station. We rented two bikes, but after 1/3 of the journey, we discovered the roads are all up hills. We did make the first turn, but then we decided to park our bikes on the road side. We continued to walk, and met a tunnel. Finally, we just turned our way back.

Posted by Picasa
The other way is actually a flat cycling track. It's funny why the bike rental shop owner didn't warn us when he told us to go the other way. We visited a school and a park. It was a nice day.

Freitag, Dezember 21, 2007

Everything happens for a lesson?

I feel I should stop from drinking any more beer.. Posted by Picasa

I went with a bus to Taichung today to visit Aileen. It has been a year when I last saw her. Last time when we traveled together was 2 years ago, before X'mas, to Strassbourg...

This time I brought her an important piece of news - what I heard in Tokyo some 2 months ago from a Japanese friend. I met only 2 friends in Tokyo. This piece of news is an answer to her question since 6 months... How can I imagine that these 2 apparently unrelated visits are in fact connected somehow?

We exchanged our stories for 2 consecutive nights. There are some similarities between our stories too. If there is a lesson from this visit, what can it be?

P.S.: Heard something more indirectly from the Japanese friend again. Everyone is breaking up... What a world...

Donnerstag, Dezember 20, 2007

Met ChiChi in Taipei

Finally I opened a facebook account on Wednesday. ChiChi sent me a message, and behold, she travels to Taipei for her job almost every 2 weeks, and she came again on Thursday. We had a dinner together in Sogo, Taipei. I heard many stories from my old classmates. 2 of them are getting married.

She is the 4th persons I met in Taipei, the others are:
1) Ronald - at Taipei airport, for my first arrival for job interviews
2) Prof Chin and SiuMing - on the same flight TPE -> HK

Just like my stay in Germany, met ShuChen at Frankfurt Flughafen Fernbahnhof on my arrival. Are all these random events carrying no special meaning? At least, they make me feel "fateful"...

Montag, Dezember 17, 2007


昨天跟 Linda 的車到台中﹐本來還常常猶疑要不要找他當作 farewell; 最後決定了不要找他的。怎料 Linda 途中郤說要打個電話給 Tony 和他打個招呼。更意外的是 Tony 告訴 Linda 他己經回美國了!! 不是說我不知道,只是沒有想過他走得那麼快。他上星期五問我哪裡換錢的匯率比較好。隔天我問他是不是要走了,他又沒有回答... 他這個怪胎就是每次都非常間接和簡短地告訴你他的事,真的少了一點思考都不能理解。 近來兩個星期都覺得他心情不好。我問 Tony 覺得他看上去有什麼異樣嗎,Tony卻說他只是趕著回家興祝聖誕罷了。我打算回家問他為什麼走了也不說聲再見。 回家收到他的 hi。一問之下,他的室友搬走了,還把他的床和家具都拿走,網路也 cut了。 不難想像為什麼他心情那麼壞:住在那個遠離市區的小鎮,交通不方便,又有個不好相處的室友,每天上學對著那些打架的學生,下班回家是個連網路也沒有的"自閉屋"。有時住在台北的我也覺得受不了,我想我是他也會瘋吧? 雖然我想他回家後漸漸會悶得要命,然後又要找人出氣,但是應該會比他一個人住安全:有時會擔心沒有人會發現他的"憂鬱症"。 Linda 說和這個人一起生活是要讀個PhD。我想我還是不要向難度挑戰 (不竟我的 EQ 是非常的低),聽天由命好了。 ---- 註一: Linda 是個台大心理學系畢業、再婚、50+ 的女強人。 註二: 也許也不是沒完沒了的,是應該完了...

Sonntag, Dezember 16, 2007

Taichung 台中

東海大學和台中市中心 Posted by Picasa

Montag, Dezember 10, 2007

What am I seeking?

One of the questions which I am investigating lately is - the authenticity of the gospels, although I believe my investigation will be shaky. After all even if the bible scholars cannot prove its authenticity, who am I to come up with an answer more than an educated guess? Nonetheless, it is entertaining to read about different debates between atheists and theists, and to recognize the inconsistencies within the bible verses. On the one hand, I read about Noah's ark was built with a magical ratio revealing inspired fore-scientific knowledge, on the other hand here says Noah's story was based on a myth. Despite all these doubts, it is pretty certain that the bible we have now is 70/80% the same as the one at 70AD. Here is an article describing the process, textual criticism, of how scholars came up with the new testament.

Dienstag, Dezember 04, 2007

The criteria...

When my friends asked me what kind of a person I want to be with, usually I have a vague idea. After I endure my problematic friend for all these weeks, I do come up with a new requirement. :) 
1) Be kind-hearted, treats everyone well (so that nothing too bad can happen after a break-up :p)
2) Be intellectually comparable, not too smart/stupid
3) Be able to support his own life, has a job
4) Be a passionate person with a clear goal (so that there is something which I can admire)
5) Be willing to make an effort in maintaining a harmonious relationship with regular communications [NEW]

Mittwoch, November 28, 2007

An introduction to Atheism

This world is sooooooo confusing. The article is very interesting though :p

A typical email in a Taiwanese office

Team, Pls DO pay your attention on the security disciplinary.... 從今天開始, 凡是被開紅單的人, 要負責招待部門所有人員一杯 50嵐 的珍珠奶茶, 含本人共 18 名喔!! 一年之內被開二張的話, 除了珍珠奶茶, 再加一份炸雞排唷!! 被開三張的話.... 只好大夥兒幫你辦理餞別囉!! 所以, 同一間 Lab 的人, 就請多多幫忙看一下其他人有沒有疏忽掉什麼. 如果每個月都沒有人收到紅單, 就由我買單來吃珍珠奶茶和炸雞排好了!! 就這麼說定了..... ^-^ Herman Chen

Samstag, November 24, 2007

Mittwoch, November 21, 2007

What can recall my memories... :p

Die schönen Lieder, die ich in die Tübingener Gemeider gesungen habe.... Mein Jesus Mein Retter Du bist heilig Herr dein Name

Meine Zeit steht in Deine Hände

Eines von meinen Lieblingsliedern. Leider ist die Video nicht so toll... :p

Meine Zeit steht in deinen Händen. Nun kann ich ruhig sein, ruhig sein in dir. Du gibst Geborgenheit, du kannst alles wenden. Gibt mir ein festes Herz, mach es fest in dir. 1. Sorgen quälen und werden mir zu groß. Mutlos frag ich: Was wird morgen sein? Doch du liebst mich, du lässt mich nicht los. Vater, du wirst bei mir sein. 2. Hast und Eile, Zeitnot und Betrieb nehmen mich gefangen, jagen mich. Herr, ich rufe: Komm und mach mich frei! Führe du mich Schritt für Schritt. 3. Es gibt Tage, die bleiben ohne Sinn. Hilflos seh ich, wie die Zeit verrinnt. Stunden, Tage, Jahre gehen hin, und ich frag, wo sie geblieben sind. Text (und Melodie) von Peter Strauch, © Hänssler - Verlag, 71087 Holzgerlingen

Samstag, November 17, 2007

YangMinShan 陽明山


Maersk Line 的員工:他們在公司裡都要說英語


這片平地真的是火山口嗎?!! Posted by Picasa

跟了Selina 的公司團隊登山,每個人都會說很流利的英語喔!!
Tracy 說有次打風後,火山口都是積水,他們在那裡游泳耶...

Montag, November 05, 2007

To wait is the best action

唔知點解記得佢上年同我講之前都係聽 Dashboard Confessional 既 Don't wait. 呢幾日首歌又彈返出黎,今次仲有 Stolen。情況唔同既係,佢同我講過美國人好直接,所以我唔會再中計... 敵不動,我不動。其實可能係我自己亂諗野,可能唔會有任何事發生,又或者佢又有另一個新目標。LOL,可能我要搵番首 Broken...

Donnerstag, November 01, 2007

Dialogues with colorful personalities of early AI

If only I have such a program as my answering machine... :p

Mittwoch, Oktober 31, 2007

AI's report on China's Human Right

This is a sentence from the report on death penalty in China, which I am translating, to be published by AI before the Olympics, Beijing 2008: "Nevertheless, it (a figure on the number of death penalty carried out in China) still accounts for 13 times the combined number of executions reported to have been carried out in the rest of the world in 2006.(30)" Well... while I agree there exist cases, which death penalty is abused by the local Chinese governments, this sentence is to me a complete mis-use of statistical figure - If we consider the population size in China, isn't it reasonable that this figure to be higher than the average? To be fair, we need to consider the number of criminals judged in all of the countries composing this world combined figure... P.S. "youtube is forbidden in mainland since 1 to 2 weeks" Somehow I should glad that I haven't got the offer in SH. I bet the salary will give me a big shock, and it is just out of my imagination how I can stay in such a place...

Dienstag, Oktober 30, 2007


1)今日我個包租婆又同我講佢地睇的乜野戲... 又係虐殺... 點解有咁多戲好揀,要睇埋o的咁既野? 2)又開始成日同佢im... 如果唔係佢搵我講野,咁就仲驚,即係我搵野同佢講... 屈指一數,起碼5個人叫我唔好再諗佢,只有阿媽一個話佢正常。以客觀既角度黎睇,我又有o的乜野理由覺得全世界都錯,只有我一個o岩?

Bit Fall

Für mich ist das Video eine gute Hören-Übung. Besonders mag ich diesen Satz - "D.h. Die Dinge, die uns heute wichtig sind, könnt' morgen schon ganz anderes sein"

Sonntag, Oktober 28, 2007

GuanDu Cycling Track 關渡腳踏車徑

GuanDu Cycling Track Posted by Picasa

今天帶了 Dennis 到關渡踩腳踏車。雖然那裡沒有很自然,風景也不錯的。我踩了五公里便喝了三瓶飲料。要減肥嗎?說說好了...

Donnerstag, Oktober 25, 2007

The first party I host in Taipei

My landlords have gone to Japan for a week. Haha... imagine the furious look of my landlords if they got to see this... :p

I did punish myself by washing up all the dishes till 12am, throwing away tons of garbage, and tidying up the crime scene as if no transparsers have invaded.

I thought it was a simple dinner, but in fact there were more cultural issues involved. Not that the Germans were big and made the 700kg lift overloaded (to be honest, maybe the lift is too old?!)... but I was scolded by Jessia, that I should have given my "guests" a much better reception, so that these foreigners have a better impression about Taiwan. She even said if I invited her for a dinner in HK like this, she would get angry....

Well... I must admit, first, I have forgotten that I am in Taipei now, and I don't look different from a Taiwanese, so I was expected to bear the extra responsibility of enhancing the image of Taiwan. Second, I never intend to impress my friends by showing them the best possible, but the reality. I do this even in HK... :p But despite this room for improvement, I guess we had a great time.

P.S. and we received Lübecker Mazipanz as a token of thanks :)

Sonntag, Oktober 14, 2007

Sun Moon Lake 日月潭

今天和小予去了日月潭,很可惜沒有渡湖 Posted by Picasa